
9 Apr 2009

Meet Jacques and Claire

One final examination narration - this time in French. It's not too bad at all for a seven year old, I reckon. Wadda ya think?

1. Listen to the story of Jacques et Claire à la Maison and narrate in French.

Voilà Jacques.
Voilà Claire.
Claire est la soeur de Jacques.
Jacques est la frère de Claire.

Jacques et Claire habitent à Paris en France.

Jacques et Claire ont un chat qui s’appelle Mimi et un chien qui s’appelle Toto.
Voilà Mimi.
Voilà Toto.

Mimi est enorme!!
Mimi court? Non! Mimi est trop gros!!

Toto court et grimp et sort.


  1. Wishing you all a blessed easter, Jeanne!
    we too will be dying eggs :)

  2. You've inspired us again - we may start French next year.

    I'm just sure you had a wonderful Easter and enjoyed all the riches of our Saviour!

  3. I thought of J's excellent narrations as I sat and listened to what I was supposed to believe was a narration from Handbook of Nature Study on Robins today. Suffice to say she could not name the very obvious direction they flew for winter!!! lol..... It's tough getting back to work after a holiday! Well Done, again, Jemima! I don't even know French but it looks great to me!

  4. Isn't it frustrating when they just don't listen!!

    Jemimah has plenty of those days too...

    I was really pleased that she could give such good narrations during her exams, though.

    We're really proud of her!

  5. Tres bien Jemima!

    Jeanne, you have inspired me to 'do French'with our children every day, too.

    I am enjoying it more than every subject in our home education journey. Its great piecing the puzzle together, and seeing the relationship between English and French, and gaining a greater understanding of the meanings of so many of our words.


I'd love you to leave me a message. Tell me what you like - and what you don't. Just remember that this is what we do in our family - it doesn't have to be what you do in yours...