
11 Jun 2009

AO1 Term Two Exams

Here's term 2...

Exam Questions Year 1 Term 2

1. In your own words, tell as much as you can remember about Jacob.
2. What can you tell me about covenants – can you name two and tell me anything about them?
3. Can you tell me anything about the books that we studied that were written by Paul?


1. Recite Notre Père to Daddy.
2. Westminster Catechism questions. How many can you get right?
3. Can you recite the books of the New Testament in order?


1. Write the alphabet in lower case letters in your very best writing.
2., Please write, using your very best writing: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Watch punctuation, slope and spacing.


1. Read for 5 minutes from Frog and Toad Together. (Level 2)
2. Read for 5 minutes from The Outside Dog. (Level 3)

U.S. History

1. What do you know remember about when George Washington was a boy??
2. Why is he called the father of America?

World History

1. Who was Antonio Canova and what did he do that was so remarkable?
2. What can you tell me about why King Arthur made a round table for his knights?
3. Tell of what you can remember of the story Picciola.
4. Illustrate one of the following:

a. Whittington and his Cat,
b. Washington and his Hatchet or
c. Grace Darling.

5. What is a martyr?
6. Tell me about Monica and Augustine, the Christian mother and son; Ambrose, Bishop of Milan or Athanasius against the world.


1. Using your map, please explain Paddle’s journey so far.
2. Which of the Great Lakes can you name?
3. What is the name of the country to the north and south?
3b Which country does Auntie Meriel live in?
4. Tell me the part of Paddle’s journey that you have liked best so far?
5. What is the capital of France?
6 Do you know any countries where they speak French?

Natural History and General Science

1. Why did Mr Dakin have to sell Old Blossom? Why was he sad to see her go?
2. What is your favourite story from Old Bob’s birds?
3. Tell as much as you can about one of the birds we have learned about.
4. What has been your favourite nature study topic?
4b. Draw a picture of this animal and label it in French and English.
5. Show your nature study book to Daddy and explain it to him.

Literature and Tales

1. Tell the story of “As You Like It” or “The Winter’s Tale”. You may use Little People to help you illustrate the story if you wish.
2. Tell the story, Oh Best Beloved, of how the first letter was written.
3. Please retell one of the fables you have heard this term and what you think it is trying to teach.
4. Can you draw a picture about one of the fairy tales we have read about this term?
5. Can you tell the story of the flowers and the wind in Training and Restraining?


1. Complete review sheet 40.
2. Complete French maths sheet.
3. Explain what the terms “plus que”, “moins que” and “autant que” mean and give a demonstration with counters.
4. Count as high as you can in French in units and tens.
5. Count backwards in English from 100 to 0 in fives.


1. Can you tell me the months of the year in French and English?
2. Do you know the seasons in French and English?
3. What about the days of the week?
4. Greet Daddy in French and ask him how he is feeling.

Picture Study

1. What is the name of the artist we studies this term? Where did he live?
2. Describe your favourite picture from this term's picture study.
3. Can you think of any others?

Composer study

1. What is the name of the composer we have been studying this term? What can you tell me about his life?
2. Tell me the real story of “The Heroic Symphony”.


1. Sing all the songs from this term in front of Daddy.


1. Show your tapestry to Daddy and explain how you do it.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your exam questions with all of us!


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