
17 Jun 2009

Sunny winter days

Nature study on the trampoline

What concentration!

In winter the White Garden looks more green than white. The bare trellises are covered with wisteria for the rest of the year, but let much needed winter sun through to the English Garden during the colder months.

You can just glimpse the beginning of the Native Garden in the background.


  1. I just stumbled onto your blog and it is beautiful as is your family. We too are homeschooling and love Charlotte Mason. Our kids are young and we are just starting the homeschooling journey.

  2. Hi Jemimah,
    I like that picture where you are doing that nature study on the trampoline. I don't have a trampoline - I would like to do that nature study. I have two forts and am planning to do nature study in them. Love, your friend Max.

  3. Oh Jeanne,
    Is that your garden or the local botanical? Beautiful!

  4. Lovvvvelly! One of my favourite parts of homeschooling is nature study. A trampoline is on Rebekah's wish list:) Your garden is amazing!


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