
9 Jul 2009

Close to home

Sometimes the nicest nature walks of all are the ones close to home.

Daddy can pop out and join us - yippee!

Sunset over the reservoir

Know what this is? Anybody?

Following kangaroo tracks


  1. I had my husband look at the photo, and he said that he thought it was an old piece of mining equipment.


  2. There are two augers at the right hand end, and at the other end is a circular wheel for chopping whatever it is off. It is agricultural...

    Jemimah's Daddy

  3. It looks like a harvester of some sort. Cotton? Sugarcane? What do you grow there?

    Nothing is better than having daddy along for a walk (papa in our case)!

  4. Looks like old farm equipment. Kangaroo tracks? Wow! Now there's an animal we just don't have!!

  5. Gorgeous photos Jeanne...once again! xxx

  6. Beautiful photos! I love that first one of Jemimah. She is so precious. Following kangaroo tracks is just too cool - my kids are jealous!

  7. Good morning Jeane!
    These are beautiful photos. How close to home are you? Some of the backgrounds look nice and green.
    The machine does look like some kind of harvester. At first I thought an early hay baler but you said there are two augers, so maybe for grain crops? Do tell!

  8. Ah Ruby, That's just it! We don't know!!

    I can see we're going to have to do some investigating!!

    We're walking distance from the sites in the photos - long walking distance. 3-4 km, I reckon...

    The crops are looking pretty good, so far, but the dreaded El Ninjo is on his way back they say. We generally get rain about now - it is the follow-up later rain that never comes, and the heads don't fill. I suspect there'll be a few bankruptcies if it is another failed crop. We're praying for rain - we're always praying for rain.

    Habakkuk 3:17-18

  9. I love nature walks and those pics are absolutely beautiful!
    As for the thingamajig I haven't a clue:)


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