
28 Aug 2009

Goodness, Google!

According to my stats, people find my blog in many different ways. Often it is by chance, using Google search.

It seems that if you search 'Charlotte Mason Australia' you find me. No surprise there. 'MEP' might lead you here too.

This one has got me stumped though...

Last night somebody from Singapore found my blog by googling 'n*de chinese girls'!

Oh my goodness, Google.

Apparently, if you google the following terms you might find me too:
  • waatji pulyeri
  • For with thee is the fountain of life; in thy light shall we see the public option.
  • the dog sat on the tuckerbox
  • Roy And Matilda
  • ANZAC Biscuits
  • Sana'a Yemen
  • Christian Northeast Found Prayers
  • Cyclone Aila
  • The Cove
  • Using Youtube to teach French
  • Trooper Scotty Bolton
  • Hoppipolla Jumping into Puddles

Sorry Google, you are sometimes not omniscient. You will find nothing on The Cove here. There is nothing on Christian Northeast's book either.

And there totally is not a single thing on n*de chinese girls. Not even a bikini.


Oops! I've just come back to edit this post by removing the 'u' and replacing them with '*'. Otherwise googling that term will point to my blog for real, and I certainly don't want to increase my traffic that way!!

Hope I'm not too late.


  1. hahahhaahahha!!! So glad you thought to go back and change the "u"!! So funny!

  2. ummmm... except now there is...!(if very indirectly!)

    too funny.

  3. So, maybe we can all make a point to pray for that person in Singapore today. Glad your blog messed up the goal, albeit for a moment.

    I do believe I found you through the Charlotte Mason blog carnival. You remember, the one where you raised the bar ;)

  4. Hey there! I love your blog. I didn't find it by googlge. Ha ha. I found you form sweetbluedays blog.

  5. Hey Jo Princess Warrior, Thanks for your kind words. I love Melanie's blog too. Now I look forward to getting to know you and your gorgeous - or should that be hansome - warriors through the pages of your blog!! See you there soon :)


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