
11 Aug 2009

Mother Culture 3

Grandma Poss and Hush

The Bunyip from Berkley's Creek

I suppose you know that I'm fond of Australian Children's literature. Well okay then, perhaps a little more than fond. Obsessively fanatical perhaps? Anyway, I like it...a lot, and I try to encourage others to like it too.

Today I made my first visit to what is regarded as the Holy Grail of Children's Literature in Australia - the beautiful Dromkeen Museum in Riddells Creek. The museum is home to the Dromkeen Children's Literature Collection, a unique collection of original illustrations, artwork and manuscripts from the best of Australian children's literature, particularly picture books. The Collection includes not only finished illustrations and artwork, but also preliminary artworks such as sketches, storyboards and dummy books revealing the creative processes behind book production.

I strolled around the homestead and the current exhibitions of pictures from recent books: Newts, Lutes & Bandicoots illustrated by Mike Spoor; The Eleventh Sheep illustrated by Claire Richards; and Click go the Shears, illustrated by Charlotte Lance. The highlight for me was seeing the huge collection of Ivan Southall's books all housed around a beautiful Victorian fireplace. I could have sat and browsed for hours - swoon.

The gardens, filled with lovely bronzes of my favourite characters and an interesting Heritage Trail were worth a visit too, full of the colour of early daffodils and complete with elegantly strutting peacocks.

It struck me that this would be the perfect place for our Victorian get together when the weather warms up a little. Let me know if you'd be interested!

I've got lots of photos to show you when I can upload them to the server. These two are from Noveltea's Flicker stream. You can see more of her pics here.

Oh, in case you're wondering, I'm not bored yet. Nope, not even a little. Missing my wonderful hubby and the beautiful Jemimah, but not bored. Not a bit.


  1. Not for a moment have I been afraid the word "boredom" was part of your personal lexicon, Jeanne. Dromkeen Museum would be right up my alley.

    Completely happy that you are continuing to enjoy your time of refreshing and your sweeties will be home soon for you to enjoy all the more!

  2. Great location Jeanne, I have been wanting to go there for awhile. Count me in! Now we need to work out a day.


I'd love you to leave me a message. Tell me what you like - and what you don't. Just remember that this is what we do in our family - it doesn't have to be what you do in yours...