
31 Aug 2009

On buying new jeans

I bought a new pair of jeans on Saturday. The old ones were too tight.

I don't know which is worse - a larger sized pair of jeans hanging in my wardrobe or a muffin top.

Sigh. It is bad whichever way you look at it.

Perhaps I'd better start wearing caftans.


  1. Clearly you don't have one then...

  2. What is a muffin top and I would like to see a picture of your new jeans...please!

  3. The muffin top is far worse. Definitely! I do know how you feel, though. Going up a size is never fun.

  4. Hey girls, the muffin top is linked - click and you'll find out all about them!!

    My jeans are Levis skinny legs...

  5. Hmmm, maybe time to join me and become a cyber-workout buddy, eh Jeanne?


  6. No! Not Khaftans! You are too slim for Khaftans:) (btw, that's how we spelled it in India)

  7. What would I do with my new jeans then, Susan?

  8. Amen sister! So hard shopping for that larger number, but oh so EASY to find yourself doing it...

  9. Allegra Hicks just filed bankruptcy--if you can get to London you might get a great deal on a GORGEOUS caftan!! lol.... I know how it feels to have to go "up" in jeans. I'm to the dreaded "MOM jeans" in size. Anything else looks asinine!

  10. Seeing your choice was Levi's Skinny Legs makes me know all is good and well and you are still looking quite chic.

    Ooh, the muffin top - only worse when someone bends over. Imagine finding one's image on Wikipedia?!

    I started a Pilates core workout a month ago as I was starting to get some spillage. A good thing I can't afford Eileen Fisher or I might never exercise.

  11. I just learned two new words...
    muffin top AND caftan!

  12. Hahaa! Muffin top is a well known expression here in kiwiland. Must be a term from downunder! As for the jeans, I'm needing slimmer ones right now while my little boy is still not settling for anything other than mummy's milk...great weight-loss system, but not so great for the general feeling of well-being.
    What a waffly comment ;-)


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