
1 Sept 2009

A Peaceful Day is One

September is an important month here, because on the 4th of September A Peaceful Day will be one!!

Are you surprised? I am. I have had so much fun, and I have learned so much. I thank you all for making this past year so enjoyable.

I am a sucker for birthdays. Most people grow out of it I know, but not me. I still look forward to mine. Too much. The nice thing about a blog birthday though is that a blog improves with age. Unlike me. I think A Peaceful Day is getting better and better and I hope you do too.

And so I'm going to celebrate. For a month. Starting today.

How? Well, I'm going to have a Give Away. The Great Aussie Living Books Give Away. Some of you are going to win too. Unlike bloggers who get sponsorship, I've had to pay for my give away books, so there won't be one every day, but there'll be a few. Enough to make September a pretty special month.

So on to today's book. It's The Story of Wy-Lah the Cockatoo by Leslie Rees. It's a hard back in excellent condition and it can be yours. Yes it can!!

To enter The Great Aussie Living Books Give Away #1 all you need to do is comment on this post and tell why you visit a A Peaceful Day. That's it!! One comment; one entry. Easy.

You can get another entry by adding yourself to my Faithful Friends there in the right sidebar. I love my friends and follow your blogs faithfully - if you've given me your blog address, that is. If you already follow me and are already a Faithful Friend just leave an abusive comment to that effect and that'll count as well. That's two.

You can get a final entry by blogging about The Great Aussie Living Books Give Away on your own blogs and posting me the link. That's three.

Just one thing. If you enter can you make sure you're going to use the book? Aussie Living Books are rare. There are only four copies of Wy-Lah on Abe at the moment. Don't waste it will you? Don't let that stop you posting birthday greetings though. My love language is Words of Affirmation. Do leave me some!!

I'll announce the winner of The Great Aussie Living Book Give Away #1 next Tuesday. That's a week. Hope to hear from some of you before then.

Happy Birthday A Peaceful Day.

Hip Hip Hooray.


  1. Oh, I wanted to be the FIRST to wish you a FIRST happy birthday but jeanamarie beat me to it:( Anyway, HAPPY FIRST BIRTHDAY!
    I think I started following your blog a few months ago, I didn't realise you've only been at it for one year! You are a Pro! Congratulations. BTW, I love reading your blog because of the content, your style of writing and the encouragement I get when I visit.

  2. And a Happy Real Life Birthday to you too, Jeanamarie!! Have a great day, my dear.

  3. Hi! Hey, although I'm not first, I see the other commenters commented on September 1st - but I'm commenting on August 31st (at least by my clock... lol) - so that means I'm first - right?

    So, please enter me in the draw. oh, and I've been following you for a bit - so that should be entry number 2!

    I enjoy reading your blog because we both use MEP, and are both modifying AO to make it reflect our respective countries. Besides, you read my blog.

  4. Oh, Happy Bloggy Birthday!

    I love your blog, because... well so many reasons. We have that Japanese connection, of course, and I love learning about things Aussie and Charlotte Mason-y. Besides all that, you are just a great bloggy friend!

    I would love to enter the contest, and rest assured your treasure of a book would not be wasted at our house!

    I will definitely post about your give away on my blog later today.

  5. Many happy returns of the day! Yours is the first blog I ever followed. Witty and sincere, plus an amazing group of friends that leave the most interesting comments.

    It is very special to me as well since your beautiful blog has resulted in the sweetest -- somewhat silly yet serious -- friendship (as well as a friendship for Maxim).

    I am always happy to write about your blog.

    A very happy month to you.

    ps Wy-Lah would not go to waste here.

  6. A very happy birthday and congratulations to you and your blog, dear Jeanne! I had only been blogging a few months when I discovered the Aussie Homeschool Bloggers and yours was the first one I really took an interest in. I have been enjoying your posts and the comments which ensue ever since.
    BTW I am a follower and have been since almost day one but I don't see me listed in your followers. (That's my abusive comment!)I'm definatley following on my end :-)
    Thank you also for the many comments you have made on my blog.
    God bless you and yours Jeanne.
    I'm up for any books as well. If they are too young for my fellows I have grandchildren whom I am already delighting in reading to!

  7. Happy Blogging Birthday Jeanne! I continue to love your blog, oh to update mine!!

    We would love some Aussie books, that is if you're prepared to send them to NZ ;-)

  8. What a sensational idea celebrate your blogs 1st birthday as I am celebrating my dd's 5th today!

    Your blog brings to me inspiration, humor, love, truth, family fun and lot's and lot's of tremendous help to my own walk as a homeschooling mother.

    I think I was the 2nd or 3rd to follow!

    You were an answer to my prayers and the Lord continues to use you in incredible ways in my life! I am so thankful and grateful for the Lord bringing you and your blog into my life!

    Happy 1st Birthday Oh Peaceful Day!

  9. Hi Jeanne,
    Happy 1st birthday! Congratulations on the first year of blogging - I'm sure that your blog inspires and encourages many bloggers

    I don't want an entry into the give away, as our children are too old. (sniff)
    Have a wonderful week.

  10. Happy Birthday for your blog. A year certainly goes super quick in cyberspace.

    I'll be up in the Northam area by the time October comes, otherwise - I could of so made it to Maragrate River - as that is currently only about an hour or so away at the moment. So close - we still might be able to organise something. :) I could probably get to Perth city for a day. :) Let me know. We can browse a couple of bookstores or something. :)

  11. Hey Ruby, You're there - you just need to click 'more' and then 'next'. Google chooses the order they're listed. Your gorgeous ruby heart is definitely there!! Thanks again for following me!

  12. Hey Jeanne: Happy Birthday because I'm a sucker for Living Books & homeschool blogs. *sigh* I should have added you already but I haven't & have to track to you via Jillian's or e~mails or other means so I can't do the abusive friend number. I have no excuse really. Ditz & I have been home for over a week now.

  13. Happy blog birthday!
    So glad to know you!

  14. Happy birthday to you
    Happy birthday to you
    Happy birthday dear A peaceful Day
    Happy birthday to you!

  15. Happy Birthday!!! I love your blog and hope you keep writing. I'm too far away to win a book, but I'm keeping them in mind for future grandchildren [who are hopefully 20 years or so away from being born!!] You do such a lovely job of teaching all of us about Australia, it's literature and heritage. What a great Ambassador you are!

  16. Hello Jeanne,
    And a very HaPpY BiRthday to your blog!

    I read you via feed because you are so interesting! And funny! And informative! (But I don't want to be in the running for this book...already have it)

    Keep on blogging!

  17. happy birthday to your blog. I can't believe I missed this earlier.

    I really love coming here. I am sure if you lived down the road that we would be good friends.

  18. Happy birthday!

    I like your blog because I like being able to 'nose' a little into other's lives and yours is interesting, sometimes inspiring and I often learn something or an article leads me off to pursue something.

    I'm not a blogger (I'd find it hard to be so public and who would want to know anyway?! - oh and where would I take time from to fit it in!) though I have been following yours for a few months having been told about your blog via a yahoo group.

  19. Happy Birthday! I love your blog because I am agreement with your fundamental beliefs! This makes it very inspiring as we have quite recently started the Ambleside journey (week 16 of Year 3) and as soon as Captain Cook discovers Australia we'll be wanting to throw in more Australian history. Thank you!

    We have some of those black cockatoos near our house here in Coffs Harbour - so we'd LOVE the book


I'd love you to leave me a message. Tell me what you like - and what you don't. Just remember that this is what we do in our family - it doesn't have to be what you do in yours...