
17 Nov 2009

Okay, enough already...

I'm taking this post down now. It seems that it is flying around the blogosphere as these sort of things always do, and it is time to put it to rest.

Ida Red and I are friends now, and that's the best outcome of all!! Do pop over to her blog, Under the Golden Apple Tree to check out the CM Carnival. It's a goody!

And now since you've come over here to see something gossipworthy, here's the gorgeous Jenny Linsky to entertain you. Sigh, don't you just love Esther Averill's Cat Club!!

"If you will learn manners,"
The dear Teacher said,
"Then you shall have Catnip
Before going to bed."

"Oh give us our Catnip,"
The kittens insisted.
"Without any Catnip
Our Manners get twisted."

"Untwist your best Manners,"
The kind Teacher said,
"For you shall have Catnip
Before going to bed."

Asther Averill The School for Cats

You see, Ida Red and I just forgot our catnip for a while, that's all.

Want more Jenny?



  1. Just wanted you to know I love your blog and am so inspired by it! I learned from your post about the CM exams and am glad you wrote it. It is a tricky thing to critique a group you are a part of with the proper tone and grace, especially electronically.
    Thanks for your work!

  2. I am sorry that happened. It wasn't a very wise comment, obviously said in haste. Please don't stop blogging. Your words are too valuable to go without!

    I would suggest contacting the host. It probably is not worth trying to sort things out, but you could ask for the link and comment to be removed. That would save you any further embarrassment.

  3. As my dear Grandmother used to say "We're smart and they're stupid...." For godness sake we NEED your great blog. Just blow it off. She may re-read it and cringe. I write masses of cringe-worthy stuff!! Hope you are feeling better by now.

    Also--knew you'd enjoy these

  4. Please don't stop blogging!
    I'm trying not to say what I think about that host... but please don't stop blogging! I get so much from what you have to say about homeschooling and your family and your book reviews. I am very sorry she made you feel bad.

  5. I just went and read the CM exam post. I'm sad to say I skipped over it previously since we are not exclusively CM in our style. I found it delightful! I've read all of CM's books and couldn't agree with you more on the subject of testing.

  6. Apparently she has changed what she posted, not that it fixes everything. I'll just add my sentiments of loving your gifts and talents that you share with us! Thanks Jeanne!

  7. When it comes to testing and assessments; One size doesn't fit all; I think it's wonderful what you are sharing and there are many whom, you may not hear from, who could use what you share.

    It's sometimes difficult, I think (and trying to be diplomatic, lol), to remember that the beauty of homeschooling, is that people homeschool in different ways, but it doesn't mean one way is right or better or the other, particularly if we end up reaching that same "outcome" that we are striving to achieve for our children.

    ITereasa made a good suggestion, and just wanted you to know that we don't do pure CM, ourselves, but we follow Ambleside and for us (and I'm sure as well as you and others), the tests/assessments, really are no different than if we were to have oral discussions of what the child is learning.

    As many of us learn, not one size fits all, and there are some children who do benefit from assessments and tests and it shouldn't be consider as a "strike against CM" or homeschooling.

    Keep up your wonderful work and keeping you in my prayers, dear Sister in Christ.

    This is a beautiful blog that you have and you know what....I think it deserves the Neno's Award for "You Make the World a Friendly Place".

    Please feel free to get the linky button here

    You are an inspiration!

  8. Jeanne: There are plenty of oh so worthy blogs about; I don't read any of them. Many lack a sense of humour & the one thing a homeschooling parent learns very quickly is how important a sense of humour is. ☺ Yours is a little quirky & absolutely delightful & gives your blog a very unique flavour that some of us appreciate very much indeed!

    This can be a tricky medium to communicate in. I think the host's comments were a little unfortunate. I did read the post mentioned [no comments because Ditz is, well Ditz, we don't CM & exams are anathema to Ditz]. I think her comments reflect a bias; you make an extremely valid point ~ as any unbiased reader would note.

    I hope a good night's sleep has put this in its proper perspective because those of us who read here regularly would have to come picket your house if you stopped blogging & seriously woman, that would create havoc with my schedule though I'm sure Ditz would be charmed. ☺ ♥♥♥

  9. Very unprofessional on her part. You keep on keepin' on because you are fabulous! We *HEART* You!

  10. Well, I'm the host of the CM Carnival that made that dreadful mistake. I am now the one humiliated and embarrassed. Well, I should be. I cannot express enough how sorry I am. I could give you excuses like what I've been dealing with and how it happened but that would be just as tacky. I am seriously in tears now. I could not be more sorry and I am afraid that even that won't be enough. I did change as soon as possible what I wrote. I even checked my feed and it seemed not I got it before everyone would see it. I totally misunderstood, this was COMPLETELY my fault. I wish there was something I could do to make up for it. I cannot tell you how horrible I feel...and I know..I deserve to feel that way.

  11. I loved your post, it was great. You are an inspiration to us all with your intelligent posts. I'm with everyone else here. You have my total support and hugs. I hope you feel better today. ps. do check out those bunyangraphics link that Hopewell has in her comment. They are awesome - I just saw them yesterday myself.

  12. Jeanne. Hugs to you. Words can hurt, hey - even when not intended to.
    I'm so sorry you had to go through this, but so pleased that the host has taken the time to apologise here on your blog.

    Knowing you, you will accept this apology with grace. It is obviously from the heart. Still. Not nice to have had to go through this. We are all so vulnerable really, aren't we. So eager to please, to be liked.

    So hear this, I like you! I like to come to your blog and read your delightful posts. I love the way you write. It is expressive and inspiring and you make me laugh. You remind me that there are many of us homeschooling mums who are interesting, intelligent and creative people in our own right.


  13. PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE don't stop blogging, what would we do!

    Love your blog,
    Love your creative writing,
    Love the way you make us think
    Love the way you give us new ideas
    Love how you wear your heart on your blog.
    Love your wisdom
    Love your inspiration
    Love how you are real
    Love You

  14. THANK YOU for accepting my apology. I could not let this go in my head or heart. You are so gracious. Yes, I have become a follower on your blog because I looked around and see how wise you are and how much I could learn. Funny coming from me, right? I made a mistake and thankfully we are past it. You are a gem!

  15. Phew!

    Well Jeanne, if I was you I'd take the day off!
    Get your gear on! Go out! Treat yourself! Buy some books (the kind you've been drooling over)some new shoes... and eat icecream - lots of it!

    Then look forward to tomorrow!


  16. Since I am not following CM I did not read the whole original post either (sorry my dear!). As I have gone back to read it today I see the carnival organizer has chimed in with an apology. What a great example you both are of a gracious and forgiving spirit. Ready to admit fault and make things right.
    You see how your blog is valued Jeanne. We would be devastated if you closed down. Especially over something like this.
    All's well, that ends well.

  17. Sounds as if it was a bit of a misunderstanding in the virtual world! Anyway I wanted to say your blog is FANTASTIC for a fellow Aussie who really wants to make sure that she incorporates Aussie- ness into her childrens education whilst using Charlotte Mason- you are a God send to me!! So keep on bloggin'.... please!!!
    Have a much better day today!!!

  18. I'm sorry you had to go through that, and so glad that it seems to be resolved!!! You know that if you were to stop blogging I would have to fly over there and shake some sense into you. Thanks for saving me the hundreds of dollars ;-). (((Hugs))) to you, dear friend!

  19. woh! what did I miss? I need to read up on all this stuff when I have some time. It seems I've missed something! Anyway, seems like it's been worked out which is great!
    I just wanted to add that I LOVE your blog too!!!!

  20. Thank you everyone for your nice words. They mean a lot actually.

    I'm going to take a couple of days off, but I'll be back soon. I'll try harder to keep my big foot well away from my mouth on my return. (Wry grin.)

    Ganeida, I'd love to have you and Ditz visit! We'd have a blast. Likewise you, Sue! Maybe not both at the same time though!

    I'll let you in on a secret. Someone you all know is coming to stay next week. I am so excited!!

    Thanks for caring.


  21. I think I missed something, but that's probably good!

  22. LOL...I for one am so happy to have met Jeanne even under these circumstances. Maybe, we wouldn't have "met" if I didn't make a jerk of myself! LOL. To make things even crazier...I am loving her blog! I wish I had come accross it earlier. Funny how some friendships are made. I think we started off on a bad foot but through Christ's love and our willingness to obey God's Word by admitting guilt and accepting apologies...being gracious with one another...we have ended this on two solid feet of friendship. She is wonderful and I can see why her readers adore her.


I'd love you to leave me a message. Tell me what you like - and what you don't. Just remember that this is what we do in our family - it doesn't have to be what you do in yours...