
1 Dec 2009

Our Advent calendar

I love children's books.
I love good design.
I love Christmas!


What you possibly don't know, is that in our Reformed Presbyterian home we celebrate a secular Christmas. I explain why here.

This advent calendar, therefore, is perfect...

24 Penguins Before Christmas by Jean-Luc Fromental

Today we get to open the first little door. Yay!

We also have an advent calendar of Christmas books - one book a day for the 24 days of advent. We begin those today as well.

Oh I am so terribly excited!!

Yeah, yeah, big kid. I know.

bottom image from here.


  1. Hi Jeanne,
    I LOVE Christmas, too! :D

    Have a great week,

  2. I love your idea of having an advent calendar of Christmas books! I read about this same practice elsewhere today - at 'The Crafty Crow' blog. Her list looks good too, of course she ends with The Night Before Christmas. Thanks for checking out my post on narrations - I think Lucie's handwriting is gorgeous too!

  3. I love the penguins!!! I used to collect them and still love them. I used to have [probably still do in a box] a funny penguin kids' book. I'll see if I can dig up the name.


I'd love you to leave me a message. Tell me what you like - and what you don't. Just remember that this is what we do in our family - it doesn't have to be what you do in yours...