
25 Nov 2010

I ♥ we ♥ books

Image from we books
Australia is blessed with some pretty terrifically fantastical independent bookstores, but I defy even the best of these to come anywhere near the awesome Aussie online store, we ♥ books for their range of sublime children's picture books for Christmas.

Okay, lots of my signature superlatives there, but take a look at some of these titles: Ever seen any of those in a real life store? In Australia?

I am in lust. I mean to say, Jeanne the Book Tragic has never even heard of many of these, and that is despite my hubby's firm belief that our Basket of Delights includes every kid's Christmas book known to mankind.

How can I can justify purchasing these? Any ideas?

Perhaps Santa is reading...

Don't forget to browse some of their other book categories when you visit. They're all equally excellent. Take a look at their blog as well. It's there in my sidebar.

I'm off to drool some more.


  1. Oh, Jeanne, don't do that to me. I'm already over my book budget, and trying hard to resist.

    I think that H.A. Rey one may send me over the edge! I must have that book!!

  2. Looks good, doesn't it?

    I need it too...

  3. You have such a knack for finding great stuff! No excuses needed -just get them. You know you want to!

  4. If you want to buy them for a virtuous reason, why not host a 'Christmas story night', and invite little ones and older folk (friends, family, neighbours, home edders, random strangers) to listen to a delightful selection of these goodies. It could become a tradition.

    There, now you have a reason to buy them!! You need them! At least three of them, anyway :)

    Or idea two ... you buy one for yourself, and say it's a gift from me. I'll buy myself one and say it's from you. Do this with 10 friends. Voila!

  5. One day when I have grandchildren they will be completely spoilt with books!

  6. I adore books, I can never have to many and my little princess is exactly the same. I love our list.
    Thank you for this wonderful link to more amazing books to tempt me....

    Have a beautiful day.x

  7. I love your lists. Keep them coming!
    Thanks too for telling about the store.


I'd love you to leave me a message. Tell me what you like - and what you don't. Just remember that this is what we do in our family - it doesn't have to be what you do in yours...