
17 Dec 2012

AO6 Term 1 Folksongs

Three fun songs this term. Did you know that learning and singing folksongs is one of our favourite things to do? Imagine just having to do this for school!!!

John John, where have you been all night
down in the valley kissing Sally,
picking up cinders, breakin' winders,
riding donkeys, shooting monkeys,
I'm a boy for kicking up a row row row

And another fun film...

1 comment:

  1. That last clip is delightful. It rings tones of Brigadoon with it Scottish lilt. LOVE it!

    I've always enjoyed folk songs. They're catchy and invite everyone to join in one. I'd be very happy if we only had to learn folk songs for school (grin!)

    And .. now that I've got the tune of The Lincolnshire Poacher in my head, I seem to recall that there's another 'Aussie' version called Billy Goat Overland, sung by The Wayfarers. Oooh, found a link:!/search/song?q=The+Wayfarers+Billy+Goat+Overland Have you heard this? The poem is one of Banjo Patersons.

    Catherine :)


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