
15 Apr 2014

More science notebooks

I thought it might inspire you to see some more science notebooks.

The top two photos are from my extremely talented husband's book.  He would have been about 17 or 18, I guess, when he drew those.  Sorry the photos are a bit dark, but you can still see the incredible neatness.  This book is quite beautiful, I think.

The rest of the photos are from my notebook.  I would have been 14 or 15, I guess.  They're not nearly as good as my beloved's, but I'm guessing they're far more approachable for those of you toying with the idea of starting a notebook of your own.

I'm so glad we didn't ever throw these away.

Sorry to those of you that have already seen these on FaceBook.


  1. I love them! They remind me of my books when I was at school!

  2. How NICE, Jeanne!!! My 10 yo has done a bit in hers, but I think I started them a bit early for my children...but we will slowly ease into them! :) We've put things about the moon phases and tides etc in them so far! :)

  3. I didn't do anything at all like this when I was in school...we had lab notebooks in which we had to document our hypotheses and the processes we used during experiments "just like real scientists do," but nothing anything this thorough. These are wonderful. It must be so neat for Jemimah to see them!

  4. I'm so impressed. Not only with the beautiful illustration of science in a notebook, but that you've kept your notebooks from high school. Perhaps, if all of us had been encouraged to make such lovely treasures, we might have kept them!

  5. I love them! What an inspiration to me, but I am not going to show them to my kids because they will feel like they can't do as well and get discouraged.

  6. Thanks Jeanne - a picture always helps when trying to make beginnings. :)

  7. i WISH i had something like this to show my kids... i think it would make SUCH a difference to think they are not the only ones in the whole wide world to do science notebooks. that, AND if i'd been as neat as your hubby and as cute as you, they'd really be inspired to greatness.

    since i cannot go back in time, i guess i'll just have to settle for showing them yours... ;)

  8. My science exercise books from school were ridiculously neat! I'm much messier now (too much stuff in my head?) and as an ex-teacher and parent of kids with learning difficulties (despite being super-smart), I think that neatness is a bit over-rated :-)


I'd love you to leave me a message. Tell me what you like - and what you don't. Just remember that this is what we do in our family - it doesn't have to be what you do in yours...