
26 Jun 2014


I'm sorry I have been absent without leave. I have been busy. Ahem.

:: We launched AO's science for Years 6 and 7 yesterday. It has been a labour of love, but I am over-the-moon-excited. Do please have a look and tell me what you think. Of course, it is all new, and untried. No doubt there will be problems that need to be ironed out, but at least it is a start.

:: I have started a new crochet project. The yarn is two ply, and it is as fine as cotton, done on a 3mm needle. It has just about brought me to my knees. Already.

:: Our speeded-up AO7 Term 2 finishes next week. We are going too quickly, and taking too long and my daughter is persecuting me, but I say short term pain; long term gain. She...doesn't. We have finished Henty's In Freedom's Cause, and have six more chapters of Ivanhoe. We're halfway through The Daughter of Time. We should have all those finished by next Friday. We are running behind on How the Heather Looks, but I really want to read this before we reach England, so I may need to take it with me. I'm busy loading my kindle - what else would you take?

:: In less than a fortnight I shall be in Ambleside with Karen. What would you like us to photograph while we're there? I haven't started packing - I always do that at the last moment, but I am washing everything that is not being worn. My family needs to ask permission of me before getting dressed in the morning. The neatly stacked piles of freshly ironed clothes are most satisfying.

:: My church is planning a mission trip to Kobe in Japan, and Jemimah and I have put up our hands to go. We meet on Saturday night, so I have been pricing aeroplane tickets, and train passes, and even boats. It is strange planning a trip to Japan in December/January when we will be there in a few weeks.

:: We have had lots of business meetings. We have terrific staff, but 10 weeks is a long time to be away. I hope we have covered everything. Leaving our business has been the most time consuming of all, I think.

:: We leave home next Friday night. One week. This blog will shortly become a travel log. I hope that is okay. You have been warned. Heh.



  1. Travel log works for me! Uber excited actually!

  2. Looking forward to watching your traveling adventures. Take lots of pictures for us.

  3. Love you to take photos of the walks CM would have taken and the building (if there)
    really looking fwd to following your travels:)

  4. The new AO 6 & 7 science selections are a home run!! They are lovely additions and as we've used them with our older kids and they've enjoyed them immensely, I am so glad to see them scheduled. Thanks for all your hard work for the benefit of so many!!

    Enjoy your Ambleside time and do tell us in detail!!

  5. Very much looking forward to living vicariously through the travels of your family!

  6. I'm glad you'll be posting pictures from your travels! If you happen to go to any of the places mentioned in How the Heather Looks, could you pretty please take pictures? I will be reading that book in the near future. :)

    I'm so excited about the new upper years science plans for AO!

    Hope you have a wonderful vacation!

  7. I'm going to love following your travels and adventures...

    About science books... I talked to Amy and I will work on taking pics of Nigth Watch, a possible option for Sings and Seasons... I am sorry to assume the book was unnecessarily overpriced, Amy said it has quality, but she told me it will help you if I could photograph the Table of Contents, etc, and see if it will be a possibility... this book is in print, it is in its fourth edition, many copies are still circulating, and it is very economic. It also includes ideas to look at the sky, chart it, keep journals, etc.

    When we met, I wish Amy had taken her Signs and Seasons and me this book... no time to do book comparison and studying options, sigh.


I'd love you to leave me a message. Tell me what you like - and what you don't. Just remember that this is what we do in our family - it doesn't have to be what you do in yours...