
19 Feb 2010

Literacy Lava 4 is coming!

Susan Stephenson is passionate about helping kids read, write and create, and it shows, not only in her blog, The Book Chook, but also in the pages of her free digital magazine for parents, Literacy Lava, which she publishes quarterly.

The next issue of Literacy Lava will be published on March 1, 2010 (Australian Time). You'll find the link at The Book Chook on that day, or you can access the archive of earlier issues right now on Susan's website.

Susan says:
In the fourth edition of Literacy Lava, you’ll find ideas for nurturing creative thinking, ways to use magazines with your kids, ideas for raising book-loving boys, what to do if your child is not into writing, how to encourage your child to love reading, ways to promote inquisitiveness through hands-on learning, how to help kids make connections through story extensions, and all about getting kids to tell stories through movie-making. Don’t forget to check out the Online Extras page, and the Activity page for kids.
The thrilling bit for me is you're going to recognise one of the contributors to the upcoming edition. Can you guess which is my topic?

Whoopee!! I'm so excited!!!


  1. Yippee! Would it be "encouraging your child to love reading?"

    You'll remind us when it comes out, yes?

  2. Exciting for you! You'll have to blog about it when it comes out!

  3. that's just wonderful!

    a reading expert writing about

    i look forward to hopefully seeing
    the issue.

  4. Congratulations Jeanne. Thanks for letting us know I'll certainly look out for it.

  5. That's wonderful and comes as no surprise to me:)
    I'll keep my eyes open for it!

  6. I'm guessing your topcis the same as Richele. Look forward to you writing again about it when it comes out.
    Encouraging boys will be good too.

  7. Oh wow! Congratulations! I have no doubt that you did a fantastic job. I enjoy your book recommendations so much! And, by the way, thanks for the compliment on my girls!


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