
29 Mar 2010

AO3 Term 1 exams

And here's this term's exam.

Just curious - do any of you make use of these exams? Should I keep posting them?

How many of them actually use the Our Curriculum tab at the top of my blog? Is there anything you'd like me to add to this page to make it more useful perhaps?

Please help me make this work for you!


1. Paul’s epistle to the church in Rome shows how Christ’s death makes us right with God and how he will help us live a good life. Can you explain some of the things Paul says in this letter?
2. You have studied Psalm 23 in depth this term. Tell me some of the ways you see Jesus in this Psalm. You may choose to do this line by line.
3. Tell about the end of Moses’ life.


1. Recite Ephesians 6: 10-18 about the Armour of God to Daddy.
2. Westminster Catechism questions. How many can you get right?
3. Récites Éphésiens 6:10-11 Les armes de Dieu,en français à Maman.
4. Recite your poem, The Tyger by William Blake.


1. Write the alphabet in joined running lower case letters in your very best writing.
Her writing is coming along well. See attached.
2. Please write your full name using your very best joined writing. Ensure your letters sit on the line, and watch slope and spacing.


1. Read for 5 minutes from Storm Boy (900L);Read for 5 minutes from Ballet Shoes (930L); Read for 5 minutes from A Wizard of Earthsea (1150L)

World History

1. Can you tell me something about the Renaissance and some of the artists who lived in that time?
2. Tell the story of Mary of Scotland – a most unhappy queen.
3. When the Polos entered Balashan they entered the western edge of a territory that lies east of India and runs eastward to the border of china. He found many strange animals and wild beasts. Tell me about this part of Marco Polo’s voyage. Can you show me the area on our new map?
4. Illustrate one of the following:

a. William Tyndale – translator of the English Bible
b. John Calvin – theologian of the reformation.

Church History

1. More than anything, Martin Luther wanted peace with God. His search led him to the Bible where he learned about salvation through faith. Tell me about this.

Natural History and General Science

1. Tell me all you know about one of the following:

a. James Watt and the invention of the steam engine
b. The invention of the electric engine and electric locomotive
c. The invention of spinning machines: the jenny, the water frame, and the mule.

2. Make me some popcorn and explain to me how it is made.
3. You have learned about a number of marvellous Australian animals this term. Draw a picture of one and tell me what you know of it.

Literature and Tales

1. “A man, sir,” said Helicanus, “who has not spoken to any one these three months, nor taken any sustenance, but just to prolong his grief; it would be tedious to repeat the whole ground of his distemper, but the main springs from the loss of a beloved daughter and a wife.” Lysimachus begged to see this afflicted prince, and when he beheld Pericles, he saw he had been once a goodly person, and he said to him, “Sir king, all hail, the gods preserve you, hail, royal sir!” But in vain Lysimachus spoke to him; Pericles made no answer, nor did he appear to perceive any stranger approached. And then Lysimachus bethought him of the peerless maid Marina, that haply with her sweet tongue she might win some answer from the silent prince: and with the consent of Helicanus he sent for Marina…

What happened next in this play? Here are some proper nouns you can use: Pericles, Cleon and Dionysia, Leonine, Lychorida, Mitylene, Lysimachus, Helicanus, Marina.

2. Tell the story of how Perseus came to the Aethiops and freed the fair maiden Andromeda from the sea-monster.
3. What has been your favourite part of Christiana’s Story so far? Tell me about it.
4. Explain how the Princess Irene was able to rescue Curdie from his prison under the mountain. 5. Tell the story of the Master of the Harvest who always grumbled about his crops and his poor sick wife who remained faithful.

Australian literature/history

1. Explain how Meg came to meet up with Alan Courtney in the paddocks where the bush grows thickly. Where were Aldith and Andrew?
2. Describe what happened when the Governor decided that for the privilege of mining Queen Victoria’s land and keeping the gold they kept, the miners should pay a licence fee of thirty shillings a month.


1. Complete review sheet 155 (Book 3b)

1. Listen to the French story and draw a cartoon strip to illustrate the tale:

Dans la salle à manger il y a une table et cinq chaises. Une, deux, trios, quatre, cinq. Sur la table il y a une nappe blanche. Sur la nappe blanche il y a des assiettes, des tasses, des fourchettes et des cuillières. Il y a cinq assiettes, cinq tasses, cinq fourchettes et cinq cuillères. Il est absolument défendu aux enfants de jouer dans la sale à manger!

Un jour Ninette entre dans la salle à manger. Elle voit la table avec sa nappe blanche. Elle dit: “Oh! Voilà une jolie petite maison! Oh je veux jouer à la maman.” Elle entre dans la petite maison. “Quelle jolie petite maison!” dit-elle. “Je suis la maman, et la poupée est ma petite fille. Oh, j’adore jouer à la maman.
“J’adore ma petite maison,” dit Ninette. “La table forme la toit, et la nappe forme les murs. Mais la nappe n’est pas assez longue. Les passants peuvent me voir!” Elle tire la nappe. Hélas!! Elle fait tombe les assiettes, les tasses, les fourchettes et les ciullières! Voila, une assiette et deux tasses cassées!
A ce moment Monsieur Coq entre dans la salle à manger. “Oh Ninette, Ninette,” dit-il, “que tu es vilaine! Voila une assiette casée…voila deux tasses cassées…Oh, tu es villaine, Ninette!” “Je te demande pardon, Papa, “ dit la pauvre petite Ninette. A ce moment Madame Poule entre dans la salle à manger. Elle voit une assiette et deux tasses cassèes. “Oh, Ninette, Ninette, “ dit-elle, “que tu es vilaine!”

2. Dessines: Trois assiettes, deux tasses et une fourchette. Ecrives les nomes à droite des images, s’il te plaît.

3. Complete these word matching games on the computer :

a. colours,
b. animals,
c. office tools.

Picture Study (Michelangelo)

1. What is the name of the artist we studied this term? What can you tell me about his life?
2. Describe your favourite picture/sculpture from this term's picture study and explain why you like it.
3. Can you draw one of his others?

Composer Study (Early Music)

1. In a break from our regular composer study we have been looking at early music. What can you tell me about music in Mediaeval times?
2. Tell me what you know about Hildegard von Bingen?


1. Sing all the songs from this term in front of Daddy.
2. Play three songs on the recorder, including one that uses your new notes.


1. Show Daddy your cross stitch and explain how you did it.
2. Do you know the names of the stitches you used?


  1. I love these posts! We will begin our first exams next week! eeeek! Does she answer these questions verbally unless it says to write them? Does she answer all the questions or can she pick and choose? Thanks!

  2. At present we're just looking at your curriculum for future reference. Yes, please do keep posting them.

  3. I think that it is great that you post them... I am just waiting for you to get to Yr5 and Yr7 ;) lol those are the years mine are in now.
    You're site is definitely of help, and I'm sure that it will continue to be so, as long as you keep it on the web :)

  4. Your exam posts are always interesting reading.
    Hi J, I'm back home.

    After reading one of your exam posts from AO1 we added them to our schedule last year. It is a "light" week for us with lots of fun in-between the actual exams.

    Since we're interested in what our children know and not what they don't it is pretty much a stress-free which I use it to get the next term finalized in my brain.

  5. I just came across your blog in my google reader, and was excited to see your exams posted. I'd enjoy having you continue to post. Thanks so much!

  6. Yes! Yes! Yes! Please keep posting because I CERTAINLY am making use of them!!! THANK YOU!!!!!

  7. Joanne Trewick1 May 2011 at 10:09

    I am so impressed with your exams. My children are in years 8,6,5,3, and K...they are long term homeschooled - but to nowhere near the standard of what you are doing with your daughter. If I had my earliset homeschool years over again, there would be many things I would do differently.
    So gald to have found your blog.


I'd love you to leave me a message. Tell me what you like - and what you don't. Just remember that this is what we do in our family - it doesn't have to be what you do in yours...