
8 Mar 2010

Happy Labour Day!

Have a nice one peeps!

We'll be back tomorrow when it is not a holiday any more. Right now we're resting and recreationing. Plenty of time for labouring later.

What are you doing today?


  1. Hi Jeanne,
    'Tis a holiday here, too, but for the Adelaide Cup. Can you imagine that - a holiday for a horse race???

    We are still doing school today. :D

    Have a wonderful and blessed week,
    Jillian ♥

  2. Happy Labour Day!
    Ours is in October not March:( Still, we love our Labour Day holiday:)

  3. Hey Jeanne...I forgot that it was labour day until I went to the post office near noon and it was closed..BAHAHA!!!

    School still on for us, as we are only doing 3 days this week! YAY!


  4. Labouring here today!!
    The public holiday for Labour Day is first weekend in May in Qld. Have a nice break. Doing something special? I guess we'll find out!

  5. have a lovely holiday, but know you
    are missed!

  6. Loved this!
    Thanks for hangin' in there with me, Jeanne.


  7. SOS!! Jeanne, I went to add a comment on the Blogfrog and I got an error message on each attempt? Is it me?

  8. Trusting you had a fantastic day!

    We celebrated International Women's Day here. Oleg made a fantastic supper and all the boys cleaned up afterward. May be my favorite Russian holiday.


I'd love you to leave me a message. Tell me what you like - and what you don't. Just remember that this is what we do in our family - it doesn't have to be what you do in yours...