
24 Apr 2010

My wonderful man

Good morning!

It is just a little past 9 on Saturday morning and I'm sitting in my dressing gown checking on my blogging pals and drinking coffee.

My Beloved, on the other hand, has already:
  • completed a pile of overdue paperwork for work,
  • brought me a cup of tea in bed,
  • visited the chiropractor to have his neck crunched,
  • been to the shops to buy me milk,
  • taken Audrey dog to the vet to have her nails clipped and to get her annual vaccinations,
  • gone to the playground with Jemimah to play.
I am so blessed to have such a Godly husband and a wonderful marriage.


  1. Sweet!

    Love the pic, Jeanne.
    These men of ours are not half bad, hey! I, for one, couldn't do all that I do if not for my gorgeous man.
    I had cause to have my blood screened this week, and as I sat in the doctor's surgery awaiting the results I knew that come what may, I would be OK. I'd be OK because no matter what, I knew that when I got home I'd walk in the door and my hubby would look up and say, "How'd you go, Sweetie?"
    It's everything to know that you're loved, isn't it.
    (Turns out everything is fine, just low on iron.)
    Mel x

  2. Yes, Jeanne, you truly are blessed! What a great picture of you and your love.

  3. Love the pic!
    Yes, we are truly blessed indeed!
    Ron took the day off work yesterday to be with me as I had my appt with the Board of Studies official to register Rebekah for homeschooling.
    He was a great support!

  4. so nice. my beloved is nice to me too ;)

    amy in peru

  5. Sounds like we all have pretty wonderful men.

    Contented sigh. Prrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  6. Hi Jeanne,
    What a delightful photo of love in action!

    My husband and son have been out cutting firewood today, so that we don't go cold during winter. :)

    My husband just bought me a piece of Chocolate Cake and a cup of tea - men, aren't they so special?

    Have a wonderful weekend,
    Love and blessings, Jillian ♥

  7. In a world where it is the norm to belittle our husbands, I loved to read this post of honour, love, gratitude and respect for your husband. xo

  8. You are very blessed to have a husband that is so good to you.

    It is a lovely photo.

  9. Jemimah took the photo! She is glad you all like it.

  10. Hi Jeanne, thanks for popping on over and reading my post about China. I'd love to see a picture of the tiny shoes please ( and I'm sure my kids would too). Have you walked some of the Wall? Love to hear something of your travels in this amazing land. :)

  11. Wonderful picture!! What a great way to honor your husband! Thank you for sharing!

  12. That's so sweet Jeanne. Lovely to hear you're so happily married. God knew what He was doing when he gave us our men hey.

    JEN xx

  13. Yes, that is a really lovely photo and a sweet post about your sweetie pie. Looks like you've got the atmosphere part of the parents' motto "Education is an atmosphere, a discipline, a life" very happily covered!

    Brimming over with happy thoughts for you and yours!

  14. Sounds like my husband!
    I love the picture!


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