
10 Apr 2010

The Pedlar's Caravan

I wish I could show you the photo of my dear Dad driving the gypsy caravan, or the one of my Mum and Sister-in-law making the damper, or the one of my brother yabbying with the kids, but alas without their permission this is all I can show you of my brother and his family's holiday travelling around our 'neck of the woods' in a gypsy caravan.

Six days and nights meandering along the country roads of Victoria's goldfields, camping near a river or in a State Park or near a quaint country town. Yabbying in the dam. Baking damper on the fire. Drinking champagne with us (of course!!). Harnessing the huge Clydesdale draft horses - Penny and Murdoch, and learning how to drive the wagon.

By the time they arrived at our home on Thursday they were so laid back they were almost horizontal.

Sounds like the perfect holiday, don't you think?

The Pedlar's Caravan

I wish I lived in a caravan,
With a horse to drive, like the pedlar man!
Where he comes from nobody knows,
Or where he goes to, but on he goes!

His caravan has windows, two,
And a chimney of tin, that the smoke comes through;
He has a wife, with a baby brown,
And they go riding from town to town!

"Chairs to mend and delf to sell!"
He clashes the basins like a bell;
Tea-trays, baskets, ranged in order,
Plates with the alphabet round the border!

The roads are brown and the sea is green,
But his house is just like a bathing machine;
The world is round and he can ride,
Rumble and splash to the other side!

With the pedlar-man I should like to roam,
And write a book when I came home;
All the people would read my book,
Just like the Travels of Captain Cook!

William Brighty Rands


  1. Just amazing! That would be so much fun! The setting is so suitably rustic, too.

  2. Simply fantastic...just amazing, what an adventure! xxx

  3. What an awesome holiday. When we've been camping or even in a beach cabin it takes me a couple of weeks to get back into the swing of living in a house again, because we spend so much time outside. Lucky Jemimah

  4. Now I have never seen a gypsy caavan. That is so great. xo

  5. my goodness! It looks like the cart in the Wind in the Willows!! Great fun.

  6. Must show Ditz. She did a whole research paper on Gypsies & their caravans last year.

    Awesome holiday.

  7. Wow! That looks wonderful! I immediately think of The Wind in the Willows, Ocie Nash and The Didakoi!
    Your first photo makes me look forward to the Dutch over cooking we've missed all winter. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Now this is a trip that has never even crossed my mind! I love the fact that they were so laid back when it ended -- shows that their adventure did just what a vacation should do: relaxed and rejuvenated. Lovely photos, too!

  9. OK - so this American was a little confused by the gypsy caravan thing. So I clicked on your link and have to admit - laughed out loud. It almost seems like a Saturday Night Live skit idea! So strange and off the wall for us lazy Americans! Maybe I should become Austrailian - I'd love to vacation in a gypsy caravan.

  10. The caravan would be great IF it had a comfortable bed. Somehow all romance dies when there is lack of sleep! Yabbies, dutch oven and the coals though, no skepticism from me there.

  11. Wow! What a cool holiday! I love seeing new places... what a 'cute' way to do it. I do like my creature comforts though, so I guess I can't have my cake and eat it too lol. Glad you had a lovely time with family.

  12. Hi Jeanne,
    Oh, what an amazing way to see the countryside!

    However, I would have to rig up a shower and and inside toilet and a hairdryer and ...

    I love my home comforts too much, I guess!

    Have a wonderful week,
    Love and blessings, Jillian ♥

  13. I am a bit like Jillian with the need for home comforts like hair dryers and toilets. Can just smell that damper and butter dripping of each slice!

  14. My daughter is sighing over that horse! I love these photos. I have to say that I'm not the best at truly roughing it either. At least a toilet, please!

  15. I haven't shown O yet or we will be moving once again. Only today there was talk of a qasgiq - though I assume the boys will want me with them.

    I can appreciate the censorship - and take it we're just missing lots of scrumptious food photos.

    Really looks like so much fun - are you able to rent those in Australia or does one need connections to a gypsy?

  16. what is the meaning of the word 'delf' in the third stanza first line?

  17. It is 'delft' china poorly spelled, I believe :)


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