
9 Jun 2010

EeBoo Nature Journal

I've just been catching up on what my bloggy pals have been writing while I've been away. If I haven't been by your place yet, please be patient with me as I muddle my way through - I do love you, promise!!

Anyhow, in case any one else out there missed Design Mom's review of this fantasmogorical nature journal, I just wanted to share it with you here. It is just so pretty. I want one NOW!!

This sweet little nature notebook is by the cutely named EeBoo. I just know that Jemimah would adore all the features like the stickers and the detachable letter sheets. It is certainly prettier than her current nature journal! EeBoo make a terrific looking travel journal in the same series as well.

We managed to get out for a half a day nature ramble yesterday. It was nice to be outside. Jemimah discovered a number of varieties of pretty moss which she used to make a Japanese style miniature moss garden complete with water feature and rake. She also brought home a couple of paddy melons to draw into her not-as-pretty-as-the-EeBoo-ones-but-nice-all-the-same nature notebook. They're really attractive fruits, paddy melons - shame they're such noxious weeds.

What have you been drawing on your nature walks recently?

The images are Design Mom's as well. Aren't they nice!


  1. I have been really into my nature journal as of late. We had someone come out and identify native plants on our property for us. We all use various Moleskine for our nature journals -- my guys need something a bit manlier : ) They do each have an Eeboo notebook though with squirrels and owls on the cover.

    btw, Eeboo just partnered with us on some puzzles/games so I'm pretty excited.

  2. I didn't know about these, Jeanne, so I'm so glad you shared. They're wonderful, and my daughters, at least, would love them. Perhaps it will help me be more consistent with nature study....ah, probably not. I think that's called self-discipline. :)

  3. Awww that's cute and also great for a nature journal

  4. Beautiful nature journal! I have to admit that nature journaling is the area in which I fall flat in my pursuit of a CM education for my dc. We're tried it before, but the girls are not very interested; they rather just walk and talk about what we see. So I've taken the path of least resistance here. But the little EeBoo journal is quite the encourager, isn't it??

  5. Very sweet. The kids had a sweet journal [not as nice as the one you are showing] from Hearthsong years ago--they were so cute collecting grasshoppers and flowers. Sadly one of them tossed the little journal as too embarassing a few years ago! Makes me sad--such sweet memories!

  6. Ooooooo, pretty! I love it, but it's almost too pretty to use!

  7. hmmmm. I'm with Jamie, it's so nice I wouldn't want to mess it up with my journaling ;) I also kinda like the more rustic natural personalized look of my own messiness. But I would LOVE the book regardless, if for no other reason than to just look at it and feel happy. :)

    amy in peru

  8. Wow, am I glad you have a "Lost Something" button on your blog.

    Rethinking this for Luca. He's kind of my little James Herriot/John James Audubon and he's requested pictures on his nature journal.

    Did you get one?

  9. Not yet. Perhaps I could get you to purchase an extra one for me and post it over or something. I'll talk to you about this...


I'd love you to leave me a message. Tell me what you like - and what you don't. Just remember that this is what we do in our family - it doesn't have to be what you do in yours...