
21 Jun 2010

Good stuff


There is some really good stuff on the Internet today. Here are some things that have me a little bit excited. Maybe you will like them too.


I think The Book Chook posted this first link just for me, I do. Really. It is a link to an interactive feature on the National Gallery of Victoria website that allows kids to create stories using the characters and backgrounds of the Pictures of the Floating World. We're studying Hiroshige for picture study, remember, and so this is just perfect for us. Hurray!

Jade at told me about this next site here. I like her blog, because her daughter is called Miss Mimi and that is what we call Jemimah. So we're twins. She posted about The Little Big Book Club, and it is really cool. Miss Mimi loved Cathy Adamek's version of The Terrible Plop. Jemimah preferred Len Firth's. Which do you like?

The Book Chook really did think of me when she read the next link, coz she sent it to me in an email. Really it is a bit of information not a site, but it has me really really excited, and has left me contriving a way to visit our Nation's Capital this Friday at 6 pm. Which I s'pose I won't be doing, but I want to. Maybe you live in Canberra. If you do, then you will want to hop along to this swoonworthy piece of excitingness. Remember to check out the papertigers blog while you're there. On the net, I mean, not at the library thingy wearing your white gloves. I like...well just about everything about this blog.

I'd like to tell you that one of these would be my next craft 'work in progress', but I purchased some beautiful wool yesterday with which to knit some cozy cushions. So I will maybe do this after the cushions. I have had to stop crocheting my rug until the wool that I have ordered arrives. Two weeks, they say. I have unleashed a craft mania, I think. Is it healthy? I will post pics of the cushion wool very soon. It is very fantastic.

We have had friends to dinner this evening. Lamb Navarin and Rhubarb Crumble on the menu. Don't you just adore wintery comfort foods like these? I do. What are your favourites? I think for me it has to be good old fashioned stodgy English puddings, but a good stew or tagine is hard to beat as well. I just love good food! I love eating it with good friends too. Hurrah! There is no Internet link here by the way, but it is good stuff. That is the link. Tenuous, I know. Speaking of good food, hop over to Sarah's place so see the amazing pizzas she and her fam whipped up over the weekend. Fabulous!

Finally, here is a review of a wonderful book that I maybe would like to own. An anthology about nature, science and imagine by poets like Sylvia Plath, Carl Sandburg and Dylan Thomas sounds pretty good don't you think? The Darwinian evolutionary links are a bit of a turn-off though.

And now I am off to bed. I am tired and it is late. See you tomorrow.




  1. You are spot on, as usual! I thought of you and your blog community as soon as I saw it.

    I'm glad you like papertigers blog. I do too. It is a force for good in this cyber world, I believe.

    Wintery food? I am so enjoying soups. My old favourite smoked hock, lentil and vegetable soup has been made twice, but also carrot, kumera and lentil soup, thai pumpkin soup, and mushroom soup. Wondering now if the reason I enjoy soup so much is because it leaves room for pudden???

  2. Yes, totally love wintry foods too! Soups is on my menu a lot aswel, last night was creamy cauliflower and it was a winner..YUMMO!

    Can't wait to see your wool. I'm in love with beautiful wool! I haven't had much time in the last few days to knit!

    Awww, thanks for the link! You know what, I dreamt last night that I arrived at your door and you came smiling and I said, can I come in, are you busy, and you were like DUH, you just drove here! It was funny.

    I'm guessing your last JW post had an impact on my dream! LOL

  3. Some great links there Jeanne. I even googled to have a look at the lamb recipe and it does look delicious!!
    We do eat wintery foods but I guess not being so cold here I don't have a bit change of menu. On warm days, we still have a salad for lunch!
    Hey Sarah, you have a bad case! Sometimes I have dreamt about stuff I have read on the net. It usually means I have been there too long! If you can't find Jeanne, she is bound to be hiding under the sofa!

  4. Another Miss Mimi! How cute :) My daughter couldn't pronounce her real name (Jaime) for a very long time and called herself Mimi and now it has stuck.

  5. Hey! I just wanted to thank you for your blog frog friendship. Thought I would stop by & check out your blog! It's lovely! Cheers & God bless, ELMDyck

  6. Thank you for your lovely words about PaperTigers - and to The Book Chook too. I wish I could head over to Canberra for that Library event too - what a wonderful acquisition for the library! I don't know if you saw this one, which Corinne blogged about on PaperTigers in April. It has an online exhibition too, so I've been able to have a look.

    It's supposed to be summer here but can't quite make up its mind and I'm going to be making Rhubarb Fool today but was wondering if a cosy, warm Crumble wouldn't be better!

  7. Whoops - forgot the link to the exhibition -

  8. Hi Jeanne! You asked about favorite winter foods. Hard to think about when it's 95 degrees outside here, but what pops to mind is a delicious beef stew. We found the recipe in a British kids' cookbook and have made it several times. What makes it different is the addition of a few orange peels. Delish! Other winter facvorites are heavy pasta dishes, like lasagna and pastitsio. I'm hungry thinking about them!


I'd love you to leave me a message. Tell me what you like - and what you don't. Just remember that this is what we do in our family - it doesn't have to be what you do in yours...