
23 Jun 2010

P. T.'s plea

This fine furry feline is P. T. Cruiser. P. T. tells me that his Mom is sad. And since P. T.'s a friend of mine, I don't like to hear that.

P.T.'s mum, Lisa, has a give away on her blog, and so far not very many people have entered. I can understand why she is sad about that. I mean she is trying to give a book away, people!! Free!! She really likes this book too, and she wants to share.

I have already entered the draw, so really I suppose I should be glad that there are not many entrants thus far, but in the interests of friendship, do hope on over to Lisa's blog and leave her a comment here. You may just win yourself MY copy of The Unlikely Disciple: A Semester at America's Holiest University by Kevin Roose just by doing that.

Okay, P. T., it is done. Now PLEASE stop looking at me, and stop that miaowing right now y'hear?!!


  1. lol--great plug! Thanks--I'm sure Cruiser approves! One of her two kittens, Cali, is making the appeal today!

  2. I'd already entered. I'll lend you *my* copy when I'm done with it! ;P


I'd love you to leave me a message. Tell me what you like - and what you don't. Just remember that this is what we do in our family - it doesn't have to be what you do in yours...