
1 Jul 2010

Great Sponge Battle Attempt 4!

So I finally mastered the sponge.

180° C exactly - by the thermometer - for 21 minutes exactly - by the clock - did the trick. Phew.

And then what did I do? I failed the icing. I have never in my life mucked up icing before, but I did last night. It was thick and hard as rock and yucky. Definitely failed. Not even the Princesses would eat that icing. The homegroup boys say that that means I need to make an Attempt 5 next week. They would, wouldn't they? The sponge itself was really pretty good though, she says, blowing her own trumpet.

On a more positive note, here is a picture of the completed cushion. Well, it will be finished when I get some buttons. Can you just imagine that those big ugly nappy pins are really lovely Buttonmania horn buttons, please?

I would very much like it if you would all tell me how wonderful this cushion is. Just so that I don't need to skite about my abilities twice in the one post.

Thank you. I appreciate that.


  1. The cushion is very wonderfu; The sponge is adorable: you are fantastic & talented & modest too. ☺ Word verification is house. How appropriate is that!

  2. Ganeida, You are such a wonderful, adorable, fantastic, talented and modest friend. Thankyou. I notice that you say nothing about my icing. You are wise and tactful too...

  3. I love your tenacity!!!!
    Love seeing how you are using your talents to create a home. (my sister did a post on this a few dasy ago on -She Matters. Check my 'I like to keep up with' blog lost on my sidebar. I think you'll like it.)
    The cushion is absolutely gorgeous. Well done. xo

  4. Ditto to what Ganeida said.
    You are definately the bestest sponge maker. The bestest cushion maker. Toot,toot, toot........

  5. Now stop! Stop! I did not ask you to tell me how good I was! I just asked you to admire my cushion!! That's all. Enough already!


I'd love you to leave me a message. Tell me what you like - and what you don't. Just remember that this is what we do in our family - it doesn't have to be what you do in yours...