
7 Jul 2010

One of the bad times

Tonight while my homegroup were here eating my sponge cake and studying Titus 2 I stayed in the living room talking on the telephone. I spoke to my sister. Then my mum. Then my brother. Then my sister. Again. Then my mum. Again. Then my dad. Throughout it all I drank Champagne. So did my parents and sister. My brother had to settle for Glenmorangie. Shame. Our conversations were really quite silly by the end.

Today our minister called in on Mum and Dad to say hello. He found my parents and sister drinking a bottle of Yellowglen.

" Hello! Are we celebrating here?" he asked, naïvely.

" Andrew," said my mother, "we Grants drink Champagne in the good times and in the bad. This is one of the bad times."

My dear Dad is sick. Really sick. I may be away a while. Maybe. Maybe not.

Would you pray for us while I'm gone? Please? I would really appreciate that.

This weekend we will be drinking Dom Pérignon.


  1. I'm so sorry to hear your Dad is sick. I'll be thinking of you while you're away.

  2. That is not good news, I'm very sorry to hear. I hope that everything will turn out alright, and I will be praying for you and your family.

  3. I was wondering what you were doing up so late tonight!! Your family will be in my prayers. Sounds like you have a happy family. Take care Jeanne, Renelle

  4. So sorry to hear about your dad. He and your family will be in my prayers.

  5. So sorry, Jeanne. We'll be praying for you, your Dad, and your entire family.

  6. We will be praying for your family.

  7. We will raise our voice to the Lord together with the other dear saints and raise a glass in camaraderie with your family.

  8. Oh, my darling. I pray you will all feel the peace of Jesus envelop you, and that his grace and mercy sustain you all.

  9. What sad news about your Dad being sick. We will certainly be praying for him and for all of you. May God grant all of you comfort as you walk through this time with your Dad and give everyone strength...particularly your Dad.

  10. Oh gosh--we're praying and so will my co-workers. Hang on tight to His promises.

  11. So sorry, Jeanne. I've been away but am back now. Prayers your way. ♥♥

  12. Dearest Jeanne, I will be praying. Count on it! Please update when you can.

  13. Hi Jeanne,

    Sorry to hear your news. I hope your Dad pulls through OK. I'll say a prayer, maybe even sip a glass or 2...

    Hope to hear good news soon.

    Melanie. xx

  14. Hi Jeanne,

    Sorry to hear your dad is sick. I know he had some health issues last year too.
    Will be praying for you and your family.


  15. So sorry to hear that your dad is sick, Jeanne. Will keep you all in our prayers.

  16. Hi Jeanne and family,

    Oh dear, not good news. We will pray.
    Keep us posted.

    Louise and family

  17. Hi Jeanne, it's the first time i've had for a couple weeks to catch up on your blog and i'm sad to hear it's not good news, thinking of you!!!

  18. Thinking of you and praying for you Jeanne.

    Hoping your Dad heals quickly.


  19. Thoughts and prayers ♥

  20. I'll be praying for him. I hope he is okay.

  21. so sorry to hear this Jeanne.

    Will be lifting your whole family up in prayer.

    God bless you all.

  22. Hugs for you, dear soul.

    (Mrs BB) x

  23. I am such a slacker lately reading blogs. I so like reading yours when it's quiet and peaceful as you always give me so much to think about. ((((hugs ))))) to you during this difficult time, my friend.


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