
25 Aug 2010

Lovin' lovin' lovin'

Lovin', lovin', lovin' that a lovely flock of blue wrens has moved in to our peaceful garden.

I know the photos are pretty lousy, but I just wanted you to see these lovely little creatures. I so enjoy watching their delightful antics through my bedroom window each morning as I sip my early morning cuppa. So sweet.

Note to self: Must find time to read Leslie Rees' Bluecap and Bimbi the Blue Wrens to Jemimah sometime soon.

Lovin' lovin' lovin' the spring display in the Courtyard. Daffodils make me happy. Do they do the same to you? Ah yes, the long sultry days of summer will soon be here.

Lovin' lovin' lovin' the wonderful harvest of out of season tomatoes in the kitchen garden. We haven't stopped harvesting from these plants since last summer. Yum!

What are you lovin' today?


  1. Those are such pretty little wrens Jeanne!
    I'm lovin' that my big girls are asking to read the next scene of Shakespeare's Henry V!
    And enjoying the sunshine.

  2. Not bad photos at all - your wrens are absolutely gorgeous, Jeanne! I also love daffodils. My mom always had our yard filled with them in spring - wonderful memories.

  3. Such delightful little birds. Today I am loving being inside in the warmth on this very cold and very windy day! xxx

  4. Blue Wrens! ♥ The reason to keep Lantana!

  5. Beautiful birds. I wish my garden was full of daffodils, I need to plant more.

  6. What is your secret with the tomatoes? That's awesome!

  7. I adore the warrens they are so beautiful and the photos are lovely.

    I loved today gardening with my princess in the beautiful sunshine, the fresh air on our faces and the sounds of nature.


I'd love you to leave me a message. Tell me what you like - and what you don't. Just remember that this is what we do in our family - it doesn't have to be what you do in yours...