
6 Aug 2010

Naughty me

The skiers are on their way, and already I've started spending money.

On books, of course. Internet shopping is so good, and I am so bad. I have ordered this and this. So frivolous. So delicious.

Perhaps I had better get going to Geelong and get away from the computer. On the way I am visiting the factory shop here. I can be bad there as well.

While I am away being naughty and spending money you could have a listen to Ken.

He is very interesting and quite witty too. I found him on Jamie's blog. Jamie is good. Not naughty like me.

While I am gone I will be spending time with my family, reading, eating chocolate, knitting, crocheting, shopping, visiting Ezard - my favourite restaurant in the whole wide world, soaking in the tub, watching some films, drinking champagne, having a massage with my niece at endota, and sleeping. In no particular order and not all at the same time. Even I am not that clever.

Naughty and clever, but not that clever.

Nice though.

See you when I get back.


  1. The restaurant and spa look divine! Oh, and I LOVE the look of 'The Simple Art of Domesticity' too :) Please post a little about this one if it proves to be as good as it looks! Have fun with your mum!

    Mel x

  2. All those indulgences look er...justifyible! I loe the website of Ezards and of course the food looks delicious, too :-)
    Don't you love menus with the 25.5price thing. Okay, I don't eat out much so I guess that is normal in classy places but it sort of strikes me as unfinished and I imagine people saying "I paid twenty-five point five for that"!!
    Even had a listen and a laugh along with Ken. (I am putting off the real work I still have to do :-)
    Have a great week.

  3. I am an internet shopper - being doing some at the moment (crafts, DVD and clothes) - I buy my books from the link below as they don't charge postage. I don't buy anything from bookshops anymore.

  4. Have fun!!! I look forward to your return.

  5. Enjoy your time away Jeanne - even if you are being just a teensy bit naughty! It all looks so wonderful!

  6. I hope you are having fun! I came by to tell you that I gave you an award. You can pick it up on my blog when you get home. :)
    You and your family are in my prayers.

  7. Eat some chocolate and drink some champagne for me, Jeanne! And when it comes to buying books on the Internet, I'm as naughty as you! xo


I'd love you to leave me a message. Tell me what you like - and what you don't. Just remember that this is what we do in our family - it doesn't have to be what you do in yours...