
17 Aug 2010

A poem and some snow

This is my Princess in the snow. I've just been watching some videos of her skiing, and she's pretty good, I must say. Much better than me, that's for sure, but that's not saying much. More importantly, she had a ball. It was an absolute delight hearing her bubbling over with excitement as I spoke to her on the telephone each morning and night of her trip. It made me feel happy just listening to her.

Amongst the videos I discovered a delightful little gem. It's a poem, written/spoken by Jemimah the night she arrived when she was supposed to be asleep. There's no picture, so while you're listening, scroll down to see some photos of Falls Creek to put you in the mood.

Noises in the snow

Can you hear the noises the people are making
just because they are enjoying themselves in the snow?

Down there somewhere is my father
having a wonderful time.

Drip, drip, drip, drip, drip of the shower.

Chattering noises of people downstairs
Laughing away at jokes.

And the noises of people outside in the snow.
Going around.

It's wonderful being at the snow.

Here's a silly one to finish - a picture of the Princess Jemimah and her good friend the Princess Eye on Dress-up night. Clearly very silly and very fun. I like.


  1. Oh, Jeanne, what a treasure you came upon! The poetry lovers hear were enraptured!

  2. Oh fabulous! and lovely to hear Jemimah's sweet voice!!

  3. Lovely! You have done a wonderful job, mama! ♥

  4. Jemimah's poem is perfect. Makes me long for a snow trip again myself. It has been a few years, and I am starting to get itchy feet to go back. Mt Hotham is our mountain of choice.

  5. This is such a beautiful poem, and the photos so lovely.

  6. This is one of those "my heart is full" kind of posts! Fun. And Lovely!

  7. Please tell your young writer I found that poem so evocative - it put me right there in the room, so now I feel as if I've been to Fall's Creek too!


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