
1 Sept 2010

Literacy Lava Issue 6

Spring is finally here, and along with it comes the newest edition of Literacy Lava. Hurrah!!

Download your free copy of Literacy Lava Issue 6 from the wonderful Book Chook's site now to find ideas for revving up reluctant readers and ways to use poetry to support literacy. Discover how to tell tales with story stones, and how to unlock the mysteries of early readers. There's info on how to get started with a father/son book club, and using newspapers to build literacy. There are lots of fun learning activities with buttons and bottle caps and there's more.

From me you'll get some ideas on how to get the most from travel with children. Here's an excerpt from my article to whet your appetite:
Jemimah has an intimate knowledge of the lives of Muslims, Buddhists and Shintoists. She has eaten Bhutanese Emadatse, Thai Curries, French Cassoulets, and Yemeni Salta. She has climbed in the Himalayan Mountains and explored the hedgerows of Hereford. She knows what it’s like to be stared at for being different. She knows how to adapt and change to her surroundings. She has friends who live differently to her, and she knows that ours is not the only way. She can appreciate cultural diversity.

We don’t need to do much planning for our kids to learn while they travel. When a child is exposed to new sights,experiences and foods, they will learn. Lots. We are a learning family. To us, learning can and does happen everywhere. It’s an integral part of life. Learning is fun.
Pop on over and get some of my well practiced ideas for getting most out of a holiday with your kids without turning it into a trial and a drudge for you or for them.

I'd love to hear your suggestions and ideas on this topic as well. It looks like we might be off to Indonesia next week.

Sigh, It's a hard life.


  1. Cool...Indonesia!
    How long will you be away?
    (Jeanne, do you ever sleep? You get som much done and seem to pack it all in with ease :-)

    I am going to pop and try to get some tips on revving up reluctant readers, when my teacher visit is over. They have lots of great and encouraging ideas, too.
    Sorry, I am absolutley no help with teaching tips when travelling :-) other than pointing out every creature, plant and building as we drive along. Actually drove my husband crazy when the kids were small as they always wanted to go back and see it better!!!

    Love today's Theological Minute

  2. Oops, I got carried away with reading my new copy of Literacy Lava...nicely done, all of you!

    Indonesia! So happy for my traveling family...and the Batik! Oh my, will we be seeing some upon your return?!

    I think the only Indonesian fairy tale I know is "The Crocodile's Blessing."

    Will mull your question over re traveling.

    I did notice your scone comment and will hold Jemimah to that.

  3. Thank you Jeanne for the links it looks very interesting, I'll pop over and have a look.

    Indonesia, sounds very exciting....

  4. I added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit mine and become a follower if you want to.

    God Bless You ~Ron

  5. Indonesia? Yep, you really do lead a hard life. Someone's gotta do it though - and it seems that lot falls to you. And here I am planning my very first out of country trip, with great care and precision and planning - and you just pop off like you are driving down to the local park.

    I look forward to your travel tales on your return! Hope you have a lovely and safe yet adventurous time!

  6. Oooooh! I can't wait to go to Indonesia (virtually) with you!!!

    I've missed you, dear friend... thanks for the sweet comments today! Off to put kiddies to bed so I can read LL...


I'd love you to leave me a message. Tell me what you like - and what you don't. Just remember that this is what we do in our family - it doesn't have to be what you do in yours...