
10 Sept 2010

On doing nothing

My goodness - I'm on holiday. What a wonderful feeling to wake up with nothing to do. Quite surreal. Not even the fact that we have risen to a leaking hot-water service and no hot water can dampen this very fine day. (Well, if you stood underneath the unit you would get rather wet, but I meant metaphorically and figuratively damp and not physically so.)

Apart from organising a gas plumber, today should be a lazy lead in to our super-lazy break. I am so looking forward to doing nothing, and I suspect that I may be somewhat out of practise, so I shall use today to have a trial run of nothingness.

I have a hairdresser's appointment booked for later this morning, followed by a trip to the beautician's for some obligatory lash darkening. It is such a drag applying mascara when it's hot and humid outside, don't you think? In the meantime I am enjoying catching up on some of your bloggy goodness, and in creating a little of my own. How nice to have time to just surf between pages on a whim like this. My Beloved has toddled out early for a neck crunch at the chiropractors, and Jemimah is still being slothful and so this time is my own to just chat to you. So nice. I am enjoying this very much.

Tonight we're heading out to opening night of The Nutcracker. Should be a very fine start to our holiday indeed.

Are you doing anything nice this weekend?


  1. 5.30pm and just home from my grandson's delightful second birthday party this morning and watching basketball finals this afternoon. The best kind of doing nothing sort of day!

  2. I am sleeping. It seems the only sensible thing to do. Enjoy your nothingness. ☺

  3. How lovely! I would envy you, but since I just got back from spending almost two months doing not all that much (not *quite* nothing), I can't complain (although such circumstances haven't stopped me before).


  4. We are home from Queensland and delighted to be on dry soil again. It is the most glorious Spring day here, and I am about to get out in it. Just wanted to wish you a very happy holiday, and to say I'll think of you quaffing and batting those dark eyelashes at passers-by!

    (I had to give up The Lovely Bones. I'm just not tough enough.)


I'd love you to leave me a message. Tell me what you like - and what you don't. Just remember that this is what we do in our family - it doesn't have to be what you do in yours...