
6 Oct 2010

Glorious gazanias

Aren't they beautiful?

Of course, anything that grows this well has to be a weed, and here in our Central Victorian home gazanias are classified as just that - a noxious weed.

But you know, despite the fact that it features in the top ten weeds in our region, I've never heard a person complain about the gorgeously gay gazania. How could you complain about flowers like these?

They bloom everywhere for a few weeks of October every year. I love them, though I don't go as far as planting them in my garden to increase the weed problem...

I'll say it again. Aren't they beautiful?

So nice of them to come in colours that match my blog as well.


  1. They are very cheerful and happy! This is obviously where you and Jemimah had your picnic! It is wonderful to appreciate such beauty. xxx

  2. I love them! Gorgeous photos.

  3. Weed or not they are beautiful!

  4. Miss Moppet was just telling me the other day that any plant a gardener finds undesirable is a weed, but if it is wanted and enjoyed it is not a weed at all (in spite of it's official classification). ;o)

    Lovely photos!

  5. "A weed is a flower" and a beautiful flower at that!
    We read the book with that title last year, lovely, that's where I got it from:)

  6. Yes, just gorgeous! Actually I loved the photos - such typical Australian scenery. Here in Tassie we have a more English backdrop of trees and plants. Having grown up in NSW and spent childhood holidays in the country around Wagga Wagga I miss those flat plains with their abundant gumtrees. Then again I may just be feeling nostalgic - we are reading the Billabong series at the moment. :)

  7. We love weeds, they can put on a great show. A friend of mine called her home 'Bethanga' which is Aboriginal for place of weeds, ha! She loves weeds too and we go bushwalking with her about 2 a week. I will post the collection of weeds and flowers (we have in vases) we found there yesterday so you can see how great our weeds are! Blessings, Renelle Spectacular colour.

  8. Oh, those are really spectacular!

    Our weeds are in bloom here as well. In October they come in the form of lovely Asters - white, lavender, blue and deep purple.

  9. I grew them in my garden in Canberra and they add so much colour in spring/summer. No weeds nere. The photos look lovely.

  10. These are so beautiful even if they are a weed. They are full of colour and happiness a field of joy!

    Have a beautiful day. xxx

  11. A great conversation opener: So which is YOUR fav weed? Mine is the gazania!

    And blog color coordination can never be underestimated... :)

  12. Lovely! I prefer the term "wild flower" to weed!

  13. It is a South African plant and also cows love it.


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