
31 Oct 2010

Happy Reformation Day!

Does your church celebrate Reformation Sunday?

Why or why not?


Do tell!!


  1. Not belonging to a *reformed* church ~ no we don't. Quakers wouldn't anyhow. They tend to avoid overt displays of anything, including Christmas & Easter for many [though not all]. I'm not very typical. ☺ As we home church our emphasis is on Christlikeness rather than the dogma/theology of any particular denomination.

  2. Surely you just need to be Protestant, not Reformed!

  3. Our church isn't doing anything this year though in the past we have. We will be going to a psalm-sing at the church that planted ours. They have done different things in the past--skits, games like pin the theses on the door, and my favorite Zwingli, Zwingli, Luther (think duck, duck, goose). This year it is simpler; I think becaise it falls on a Sabbath.

  4. Aware that it is the anniversary of Luther's stand but no, don't mark it in any special way. I am very thankful to God for raising up such men and for the Reformation in general.

  5. Happy Reformation Day Jeanne!
    No, we don't celebrate it at our church.

  6. Quakerism has very little in common with most protestant denominations, so I'm not sure I get your point, Jeanne.

  7. Perhaps I just need to learn more about your church, Ganeida...sorry if I hurt you, dear one - just wanting to understand.

  8. Not hurt, just confused & trying to get a handle. The Quakers evolved sort of separately like the Amish & Mennonites ~ with which they have quite a bit in common ~ the most significiant of which is probably the Peace Testimony & Plain Dress. The Puritains actually had a persecution thing for the New World Quakers ~ who had also left England because of persecution. Ironic really. ☺

  9. I'd like to add to my previous comment--I said how but I didn't answer why. After the fact, I blogged about the why here:

  10. In agreement with Ganeida
    How on earth can you call yourself Christian and be so intolerant of somebody else's Christian Belief because it is not yours - how un-Christan can you get????


I'd love you to leave me a message. Tell me what you like - and what you don't. Just remember that this is what we do in our family - it doesn't have to be what you do in yours...