
16 Nov 2010

20 Questions

From Meet Me At Mikes. Can you tell I'm on holiday? (Gleeful cackle)
Let me know if you join in, won't you? Pip would like to know too.

  1. Sweet or Savoury?
  2. Dresses or Jeans?
  3. House or Apartment?
  4. Shop Online or Offline?
  5. DVDs or Downloads?
  6. Cocktails or Juice?
  7. Chocolate or Strawberry?
  8. Laptop or PC?
  9. Magazines or Newspapers?
  10. Facebook or Twitter?
  11. CDs or MP3s?
  12. Kids or Pets?
  13. Macaron or Cupcakes?
  14. Walk or Run?
  15. Breakfast in Bed or Breakfast Out?
  16. Market or Supermarket?
  17. Sourdough or Grainy?
  18. Heels or Flats?
  19. Late nights or Not?
  20. Coffee or Tea?

  1. Sweet or Savoury? Savory. Corn chips get me every time. It's the salt. On the other hand, Godiva chocolates take some beating.
  2. Dresses or Jeans? Jeans. I do have legs though...mostly in summer.
  3. House or Apartment? House. Not enough room for books in an apartment.
  4. Shop Online or Offline? Both! Bookshops are good any way you shop.
  5. DVDs or Downloads? DVDs. Mostly for Jemimah.
  6. Cocktails or Juice? Cocktails. Of course. Juice is fattening :)
  7. Chocolate or Strawberry? Chocolate. Every time.
  8. Laptop or PC? PC. I use both though.
  9. Magazines or Newspapers? Magazines. Definitely.
  10. Facebook or Twitter? Facebook. Twitter is fun as well, but more of my friends use FB.
  11. CDs or MP3s? MP3s. but I often buy CDs and upload them to iTunes.
  12. Kids or Pets? Both. I can do with all the love I can get!
  13. Macaron or Cupcakes? Cupcakes, although a macaron from Ladurée is divinely wonderful.
  14. Walk or Run? Walk. Running is against my religion...
  15. Breakfast in Bed or Breakfast Out? Out. In bed is nice too, though.
  16. Market or Supermarket? Market but I don't get there often. Preston is my local in Melbourne.
  17. Sourdough or Grainy? Potts Sourdough. Mostly I make my own white loaves now. Totally unhealthy, but extremely delicious, and it makes me feel like a good housewife.
  18. Heels or Flats? Birkies don't come with they?
  19. Late nights or Not? Late nights. I. Am. Not. A. Morning. Person.
  20. Coffee or Tea? Both. Tea first thing in the morning and last thing at night. Coffee mostly in between.


  1. oh, what fun!
    Lovely to be on holidays (I'm not, though).
    Off to answer the questions on my blog :)

  2. Hurray - finally got the formatting right!!!!!

  3. Very interesting indeed! Is that a Just Joey rose?

  4. Getting to know you :-)
    I would answer mostly the same ~ except the baking my own bread, nope. And I don't do the markets as unfortunately they always run on the Lord's Day here.

  5. I enjoyed reading your responses!

  6. You are very interesting. Enjoyed reading the list.

  7. going to do this on my blog too. I think we have many in common.

  8. Jeanne, I would *never* have picked you as a Birkies girl!
    *shaking head in disbelief* ;)

  9. Rebecca - here's a post just for you:

  10. Jeanne, yet again I am amazed at how much we have in common! Loved reading this. xo

  11. :) thanks for this, Jeanne.
    I posted mine here:

  12. How fun! We have much in common, at least as far as your answers here!

  13. the answer to the first question makes me think of chocolate covered potato chips, I wonder if corn chips would be just as good? here are my 20 questions -


I'd love you to leave me a message. Tell me what you like - and what you don't. Just remember that this is what we do in our family - it doesn't have to be what you do in yours...