
9 Nov 2010

Homeschool Blog Awards

A Peaceful Day has been nominated in the Best Homeschool Methods as well as the Best Variety Blog categories of the 2010 Homeschool Blog Awards. I'm pretty chuffed about that, let me tell you. Thank you so much.

If you read my blog, you might consider voting for me. I would appreciate that very, very muchly indeed. My goodness me!!

Click here to cast your vote. It's easy!


  1. Congratulations! I'd vote for you but it looks like we're running against each other...

  2. Yep, I've done my voting.
    Sorry Mama Squirrel. I saw you were listed as well but since I had nominated Jeanne, I had to vote for her this time!

  3. Ruby, my friend - thank you so much for nominating me. I must admit, I hadn't really looked at the awards before today!

  4. You are welcome. I had fun a few weeks ago and nominated a couple of my favourites but one or two I don't see there so I don't know whether I was completely switched on. However, I have voted for the ones that are.
    Wouldn't it be great to an aussie blog recognized!

  5. I voted for you Jeanne, I'd vote for your blog in a flash:)

  6. Jeanne, you're also listed under Best Variety Blog, so I voted for you in two categories! Yippee!

  7. Cool, Ellen, I didn't know that! Thank you so much for your vote.

  8. You have my vote! xo

  9. Congratulations, Jeanne! Outstanding! And totally deserved!!!! You absolutely have my vote "O


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