
11 Nov 2010

Lest we forget

Remembrance Day

On your maypole green
see the winding morris men
Angry Alfie, Bill and Ken
waving hankies, sticks and boots
- all the earth and roots

Standing at the crease
the batsman takes a look around
The boys are fielding on home ground
The steeple sharp against the blue
- when I think of you

Sam and Andy, Jack and John
Charlie, Martin, Jamie, Ron
Harry, Stephen, Will and Don
Matthew, Michael - on and on

We will remember them
remember them, remember them
We will remember them
remember them, remember them

Time has slipped away
The summer sky to autumn yields
A haze of smoke across the fields
Let's up and fight another round
and walk the stubbled ground

When November brings
the poppies on Remembrance Day
when the vicar comes to say
'May God bless them, every one
Lest we forget our sons'

We will remember them
remember them, remember them
We will remember them
remember them, remember them


  1. This was so beautiful, I had never heard it before. Now, I started my day out with tears, but that is good. I am looking for a Veteran's Celebration to take my children to tomorrow. I want them to learn, understand and appreciate our veterans.

  2. I haven't heard that one either. Thanks Jeannie.
    Lest we forget.

  3. That is of course, Jeanne :-)

  4. Lest we forget.

    Will be showing this one to my husband, a MK fan :)

  5. Hi Jeanne

    This is not related to your post here. I can't find you at the blogger awards vote - I would vote for you if I could find you. Any ideas on how to find you?

  6. Hi Silvia,

    They have me down as 'Oh Peaceful Day'. Can you see me now? Thank you for trying :)

  7. Found you. Thanks.


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