
7 Aug 2009

They've gone...


I miss them both already.

They, on the other hand, consider their ten day ski trip to Falls Creek the highlight of the year.






Don't feel too sorry for me at home with Audrey, our toy poodle though - I have ten days of Mother Culture to get through with nobody to please but me!!

The question is, what should I do?

What would you do with ten days alone?

Do tell.

As for me, I'm off to drink a coffee and read my book. After this long and busy week I can think of nothing I would like to do more...

...Except sleep. Maybe I'll do that instead...


  1. That is such precious father/daughter time.
    Have a catch up and then indulge yourself a little!

    (It always seems like it would be great to be all alone when things are hectic but I usually find it...lonely☺)

  2. How wonderful for Stephen and Jemimah...and how wonderful for you to have some time to yourself. I don't even know what I would do for 10 days without my family! Read, Read and read lot's! Enjoy!
    p.s what are you reading at the moment?

  3. Hi Jeanne,
    Enjoy your time alone, but be not lonely.

  4. Hi Sarah, I'm just finishing Graham Greene's 'Travels with my Aunt' and just about to begin Anne Enright's 'The Gathering'. Should get both of 'em done this week eh!

  5. If it's not already, get the home in order.

    Then rest.

    Then maybe...find a new hobby! Do something that you've wanted to explore or try for awhile but haven't really wanted to.

    Or investigate a volunteer organisation like Meals on Wheels.

    Purpose to visit one needy person or family every few days.

    Visit AussieHomeschool and get on board with the forums! ;) (Sorry, couldn't resist)

    Paint a room! Or rearrange all the furniture. (just be careful).

    Go for a day trip to visit friends.

    Take a Mystery Flight.

    Plant a veggie garden.

    Join a gym!

    Practice cooking new meals.

    What do *you* want or need most? Rest? Refreshment? Sleep? Mental stimulation? Physical exercise? To serve? What do YOU need?

  6. you know me -i would sleep until i wasn't tired any more and then make lots and lots of stuff!

    who know, i might even get lonely by the end of ten days ... i can't even imagine it!

  7. I bet they are having a wonderful time together!
    If I had that amount of time all to myself I'd sleep lots, read lots and probably organize something :) Clears my head!

  8. I would sleep.

    And then I'd sleep.

    After that I'd sleep some more.

    Then I'd get up and work like a maniac to clean the house.

    And then I'd sleep ....zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    (I am so jealous!)

  9. Is that really Possum Princess speaking, or her mum?

  10. 10 days alone is waaaaaay too much for me to wrap my mind around. I've forgotten what it is like to have 10 minutes alone. I can't even go to the bathroom without someone banging on the door or someone trying to jump on someone else's head. I am sooooo jealous!
    So I don't have any advice other than... Have a great time. :)

  11. I can't imagine 10 days alone either like many of your readers!
    Actually I think I'd enjoy the first couple of days and then get lonely:(


    Dh loves and has very fond memories of Falls Creek! A bit too far for us to head to so we went to Mt Selwyn last year, it was fab!

  12. Jealous that they got to go off skiing.

    So - how come you didn't go?

    I'm with the other poster. 10 days is way too long. I also find it difficult to even get 10 mins alone. That's one of the reasons I'm up now at 5:15am. LOL

  13. It's too cold and it is so expensive that it seems pointless for me to be there when I don't love it as they do.

    Also, they love the time together as daddy/daughter, and I love the time by myself - not bored yet!!


I'd love you to leave me a message. Tell me what you like - and what you don't. Just remember that this is what we do in our family - it doesn't have to be what you do in yours...