
6 Aug 2009

The Toymaker

I've made a few visits to The Toymaker this week in the office after quite a long break, and I've been struck once again by the wealth of amazing toys there are to make at Marilyn Scott Waters' magical site.

It occured to me that some of you mightn't know of this wonderful resource, and my mum always says it's nice to share...

The Toymaker is an incredible website full of clever toys, dolls and beautiful things all available for free download for you - or your kids - to fold yourself.

Here are some of our faves:

The Chocolate Truck We made this and filled it with Smarties as a gift for a friend.
The Toy Shop We turned this into a little dolls house with door and windows.
Dizzy Koalas A koala merry go round
Three Billy Goats Gruff These occupied a certain young lady for hours yesterday...
A Little Triangle Box ...and she's working on this at the moment!

There's heaps here for you to explore. Don't forget to share what you know what my mother says!!

Marilyn also sells a book full of number of her toys printed on lovely thick cardstock. The Toymaker - Paper Toys That You Can Make Yourself is available from Amazon.

PS I'll be back properly next week ... my septimana horribilis is almost at an end!!



  1. Ohhhh - I think this type of thing is definitely something I'd like. Ta for letting us know about it. :)

  2. Hi Jeanne...this is wonderful...your a good girl to obey your! Truly thank you again for sharing! Lot's of love xxx

  3. Hi Jeanne,
    Thank you for sharing. Did you realise that Canon also have a site for papercraft? I will enclose the link for you, just in case you want it.

  4. Some of the Canon projects are wonderful - I love Florence Cathedral!!

  5. oh cool! (as my dd would say) :)
    Thanks so much, and you're right, I wasn't aware of this wonderful resource...Rebekah is going to be a very happy little girl with these!

  6. Thanking you kindly for sharing this great website with us. I love finding new and interesting resources for the children - and this one looks fabulous!

  7. I'm so glad that I thought to put this up, since it appears a few of you haven't heard of it! Mum is right - it feels good to share!!

  8. Thank you so much for the link. I produce a literacy newsletter for parents and I'm always looking for creative ideas to motivate children's writing.


I'd love you to leave me a message. Tell me what you like - and what you don't. Just remember that this is what we do in our family - it doesn't have to be what you do in yours...