
13 Nov 2009

Psalm 56

A psalm of mercy and hope in the midst of persecution from God's enemies sung my friend Jason Coghill, one of the founding members of wonderful Christian band, Sons of Korah.

May God bless Jason and Jane in their musical ministry.

Jemimah's comment:

It's incredible! Normal people can do great things for God with just one small skill!


  1. Hi Jeanne,
    This isn't a comment on this blog, but a reply to one you left on mine - musings from a hammock. I haven't given up on the blogosphere, but am having a 6 month break from schooling so we can get some major renovations done around here! I still read your blog diligently, and am looking forward to being a homeschool mum again next year.
    God bless you! (I love exclamations too!)

  2. Thanks Jeanne, it's a beautiful Psalm, and we are blessed by Jason & Jane. We thoroughly enjoyed their concert here a few weeks ago, although I spent half of it up the back with Thomas. He was too noisy - I think he wanted to sing along!!
    We have listened to the cds over and over and our littlies are learning the Psalms off by heart. I would love to get all of them eventually, so that we can "hide God's Word in our hearts".

  3. Really enjoy Sons of Korah! Great comment by Jemimah! x

  4. Hope you enjoy Jason's work then. They're quite similar!

  5. out of the mouth of babes...
    what wisdom!


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