
12 Nov 2009

Tying up loose ends

Good morning, friends!

There seem to be a few things that I need to update you on this week, so here it is - the weekly wrap-up, Jeanne style!
  1. My Dad was discharged from hospital last weekend. Tests continue and we have no diagnosis as yet. Both my mother and he are finding 'not knowing' very difficult, but he is happy to be home again, and so we praise God for that.

  2. My eye continues to improve. It has gone through most of the colours of the rainbow - black, purple, red, and green, and is now an attractive shade of yellow in addition to all those names above. It seems that my friend Sue was so jealous of the attention I was getting that she has acquired a similar one for herself. Pop over to her blog to have a look at hers. See, they're quite pretty!! Now, who wants to go next?

  3. We have almost finished school. All of the readings are done, and we have only three more days of maths left (maybe we can do them all today?), and that's it done. Exams next week. Hurrah! We love CM exams around here!

  4. It has been hot - really hot. This means lots of time in the pool. Little Aths and tennis have both been cancelled due to the heat. The garden has needed extra attention from the hose brigade, so we've managed to fit in outside time doing something cooling and profitable. I am so happy that the water restrictions have eased.

  5. It seems it is a bad idea to challenge homeschooling mums to a grammar test. You are all too clever for words!! Sara Mac's answer was closest to my father-in-law's. She said:
    Jemimah, whereas Max had had "had had", had had "had". Had "had" had the better mark, then Jemimah would have won.
    She only had 10 hads, but I think that was probably an honest mistake! My father-in-law fitted the eleventh in like this:
    Jemimah, whereas Max had had "had", had had "had had". Had "had had" had the better mark, then Jemimah would have won.
    Pretty cool - and mighty useless really.

  6. I've continued to get Amazon deliveries most days this week. It is sick to look forward to a postman arriving this much (unless the postman is your husband.) I have started reading Karen Andreola's new book, Lessons at Blackberry Inn - Adventures with the Gentle Art of Learning. It is the sequel to her wonderful title, Pocketful of Pinecones - Nature Study with the Gentle Art of Learning. I'm enjoying it so far. Looking forward to reading R C Sproul's The Prince's Poison Cup to Jemimah maybe this weekend. Reviews coming soon - stay tuned!!

  7. Thank you to all of you for your hints and helpful ideas for helping Jemimah to sleep. She is still waking nightly, but is managing the problem herself by getting up and turning on a light and going back to sleep. I am hoping that the inconvenience that this is causing will stop it becoming a long-term habit, but it is giving her what she needs to conquer her fear. It also means that her Daddy and I are able to get an unbroken night's sleep. I am inclined to think I will take Amy's advice and offer her a 'much coveted incentive' for a certain number of nights without waking next week. Jemimah can do incredible things if she thinks a new outfit for her Bessie Bear is in the offing. Again, thank you all.

  8. Finally, all the hot weather means that the roses in our garden are looking absolutely superb. I'll post pics soon. In the mean time, here's a little taste teaser!


  1. those roses are so pretty!!! Sounds like you've had some eventful things going on in your family, glad it's settling down a bit :-)

  2. It's good to hear what you are up to Jeanne! Thank you for sharing! xxx

  3. Been a busy week here, not much bloggy time unfortunately, though I just now enjoyed browsing through your posts for this week.
    I loved Pocketful of Pinecones this year and Lessons at Blackberry Inn is now on my Christmas wish list for this year:)
    I love your garden and your amazing energy at keeping up with everything that you do in your life!

  4. Hi Jeanne!
    Phew, I take a day off the computer and this afternoon EVERYONE has posted! You have posted lots.
    Your roses look gorgeous! Pslam 56 will have to wait till later this evening but thanks for posting.
    Do you your dad is on the improve.
    Your heat must be a lot worse than ours, you have my sympathy.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. Hi Jeanne,
    Your roses look absolutely superb!

    I think that I'll pass on the black eye, though. I'll be praying for a quick diagnosis for your dad.

    Have a great weekend.


I'd love you to leave me a message. Tell me what you like - and what you don't. Just remember that this is what we do in our family - it doesn't have to be what you do in yours...