
11 May 2010


My dearest, darling honey-bundle blog pals, I'm leavin' on a jet plane tomorrow. I do hope you'll miss me just a little.

While I'm gone these are some things you might want to do:

  • Enjoy the glorious autumn view from my bedroom window above. I hate to miss it!
  • Visit the Peaceful Community and give me some advice on helping Jemimah to love Scripture memorisation.
  • Give me some suggestions for great holiday book reads and tell me what you like to pack yourself.
  • Discover how I'm going with my Bible in a Year project and let us know how you're going with your Bible Reading...
  • Start a new discussion about something interesting. That would be so cool!
  • Follow me on Twitter and keep tabs on what we're doing in Japan. I'll try to check in there!
  • Follow me on Google Friends Connect just because it would make me happy. I try to read and comment on all my followers' blogs in return...if you have one that is! Wouldn't it be fun to get to 100 followers by my return from hols? Hurrah, I'd like that! Thank you so very much to the 94 of you who follow me already.
  • Read some old posts. There's heaps of good stuff mixed in with the twaddle...
  • Visit some of my followers' blogs. They're great!!!! Follow some links and see what you find. Come home to me though, won't you!
Is it wrong to miss you already?


  1. Oh wow Jeanne, I think I'm going to miss you! Have a wonderful time won't you! By the way I love that song. I knew the Peter Paul and Mary version, but have only just looked it up on Wikipedia to find it was originally written by John Denver. He wanted to call it "Oh Babe, I hate to go". I don't think you're quite hating to go though are you!!
    Have fun, be daring!

  2. いってらっしゃい!

    No, wait. That's not right.


  3. Hee Hee, thanks Sue!! See you soon!

    Miss ya too, Mel...

  4. Nah, you're only a prayer away. ☺ Have fun.

  5. xoxo
    We'll be looking for a postcard!

  6. I'll miss you xo

  7. I'd miss that autumn view too:)
    I'll miss you. Have a wonderful time away!
    BTW, I didn't realise you now had 94 followers, now that says something!

  8. Oh Jeanne, I wish I was Jemimah going on a trip like that as a child, fantastic. She'll probably learn more on your trip than she could a whole year in a 'classroom' (dirty word)
    I'll be looking for that first post on my blog list when you get back too. I'll pray for safety for all of you. Take care firey one!

  9. Forgot to say I LOVE your window view. Is it a Japanese Maple per chance?

  10. It's a liquidambar, Renelle. Delicious, isn't it?

  11. Alas, you have flown, so I was too late to wish you bon voyage or whatever its Japanese equivalent is. To make up for my tardiness, I have become follower number 96!

    May you all have a delicious and delightful time!

  12. Have a wonderful, wonderful time!!

  13. Happy Vacation!

  14. I missed sending you traveling mercies because I was away myself, but blessings for a safe and wonderful holiday! Mya God open your eyes to something new and awe-inspiring.

  15. Have a safe trip (I think by the time you read this you would have long gone). Beautiful window and very.


  16. Jeanne, I am so envious of your trip, but I wish you all the very best and safe travelling mercies to you all. :)

    Have a wonderful weekend,
    Love and blessings, Jillian ♥


I'd love you to leave me a message. Tell me what you like - and what you don't. Just remember that this is what we do in our family - it doesn't have to be what you do in yours...