
16 May 2010


Image from here

Hurro there! How are you? I'm good. Tired, but good. Happy. Tired, good and happy. With sore feet.

Now, greetings done, I'll get right down to the trip report...if you're interested in what we're doing, of course. If not, then feel free to skip to more important things.

Is there anything more important, I ask you? Really!!


Anyhow, we've experienced this.
We've eaten here.
Weve been here with this wonderful family.
We saw this and ate this.
We did some serious people watching here and especially here.
We pigged out here and here.
We delighted in this.
We loitered here and here and here and somewhere else, but I can't remember its name.

We've done a heap of other stuff too - and eaten at some other places. We're only up to Day Four believe it or not.

And now I'm going to bed. Then it will be Day Five.

Goodnight, sweet ones. Miss you.


  1. I am off to follow all your links but I am so glad you are having a super nice time. ☺

  2. you are so devoted to post even from there.


    I'm so glad you're enjoying yourselves!!

    amy in peru

  3. Hurro to you too!
    Yes, I will take my time going through the links later in the day. Didn't loiter here and there into any barber shops, eh?
    Aus is still here. Cool and rainy in CQ. zozo

  4. The potstickers look good! Lovely to know you are safe and happy.

  5. So good to hear from you! You have done soooooo much already, how cool! Love the zoo, not sure about the fashion wear...hahaha! Would be fun though! The food looks awesome! Thanks for sharing eh! God bless you all heaps! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  6. So glad to hear you are all having a wonderful time! Next time you go, can you pack me in your suitcase? Er, make that carry-on bag.

  7. Love it Jeanne! Keep on having fun and keep on posting - love to read what you're seeing and doing and eating!

  8. Oh, yes, there I see you...full belly, full heart and a sweet smile on your face.

    Thanks for the whirlwind tour. Virtual sushi never tasted so good!

  9. Thanks for thinking of us Jeanne on your holiday....what fun you are all having!

  10. Thanks so much for sharing! I look forward to checking out all your links! So pleased you are having SUCH a wonderful time!!!

  11. I've come home to you, Jeanne, and you've deserted! Ha!

    Hope you're having a fantastic time, and thanks for engaging me and infusing a sense of His love for me this past year. I have truly appreciated it.

    See you when you come home! :)


I'd love you to leave me a message. Tell me what you like - and what you don't. Just remember that this is what we do in our family - it doesn't have to be what you do in yours...