
26 Jun 2010


Have I told you that before I was married my idea of the perfect winter Saturday was to spend all day in bed reading, snoozing and listening to fun 70s music on 3MP? I would exert myself only as much as a trip to the kitchen for provisions would require before leaping back under the covers for more luxuriating. Bliss.

Those were the days. My husband does not think that this is a good way to spend the weekend. He did try it a few times just after we were first married and were still in LURVE...not that we're not still in love, but you've gotta admit that the first year is...well...different. Anyhow, he was bored. He needed entertaining. It was not fun for him or for me.

Today my Beloved is at a conference and I am hibernating with our daughter. We are not in bed, but we are snuggling together under mohair rugs on the sofa in front of the heater. We both wish we had an open fire in our Melbourne home, but the gas heater is certainly cozy and conducive to huggling, and so we don't mind too much. I am drinking coffee; Jemimah has opted for hot chocolate from a suckao thingy. It is milk chocolate too, from Max Brenner, and I am considering joining her. I think she might have made the better choice.

We are reading. Jemimah is re-reading Winnie the Pooh. She says that it is better at eight than it was at five. My book is Childish Things by Robin Jenkins. I always enjoy the writings of this terrific Scottish author, and this book, written when Jenkins was 90 years old, is certainly shaping up to be un-put-away-able. Just to coin a pun on its name. I think that 72 year old Gregor McLeod might just turn out to be a very naughty boy... I'm loving his use of the occasional Scots word as well. Later I have the new edition of donna hay magazine to flip through. Or perhaps I might crochet a square or two of my rug. Maybe.

We are listening to my new CD, the classical soundtrack from Departures by Joe Hisaishi, the same composer who has worked on numerous Hiyao Miyazaki films. You can listen to some of it with us if you like. So peaceful.

Maybe I should at least have a shower. Do you think you can still hibernate effectively in clothes? Perhaps my velvet tracksuit would be okay. Aren't they called leisure suits? Jemimah thinks a bubble bath would work for her. A fine choice, I must say.

Later, but not much later we will eat. Toast, I think. "Nutella!" declares Jemimah. I do declare that that girl can never get enough chocolate. I fancy Rose's Lime Marmalade. It is very important indeed to stave off scurvy on days like this.

Tonight we will he heading out for dinner and a glass of bubbles at Café Vic before settling back to luxuriate in Peggy! a tribute to the founding artistic director of the Australian Ballet, Peggy van Praagh. I know we were only at the ballet a fornight ago. Can you really overdose on ballet?

But that is later. Right now we are doing nothing. It is such a delightful, peaceful nothing.

I'm so glad that our daughter inherited the hibernating gene.

Did you?


  1. Oh I don't know if I have inherted the gene, but I sure love hibernating when I can these days! It happened after I became a mother.

    Those days are few and far between, but when I get the chance - bliss! My husband gets bored too and doesn't get the beauty in hibernating. Enjoy girls - sounds divine. xo

  2. I always thought it was a Japanese thing, but it must be a man thing to dislike hibernating. I guess that's good, because we would sure be in trouble if my hubby decided to hibernate instead of going off to work everyday to bring home the bacon!

    I, on the other hand, could be accused of liking hibernation a little too much. Your day sounds really wonderful to me!

  3. In my cas it's not genetic. My hardworking, early rising parents despaired of me in my single days. Saturdays were definately made for such a lack of activity!
    (I must have married LONG before you though, only an old cassette player in my day!)
    I will mention your scurvy cure to our youngest. Dad has been threatening him with it if he won't eat his greens!
    Sounds like a wonderful weekend Jeanne. Enjoy xo

  4. Sounds wonderful and to top it of you can enjoy it with your daughter. My daughter loves to have a hot chocolate with marshmallows sitting by the fire just before bedtime, a winter treat!

  5. I really hated being at home and spending quiet days in our early marriage but now I really love them. Your day sounds perfect.

  6. No hibernating gene here, well not totally at least. I like to start my day with a checklist and finish with a long snuggle and a cuppa tea, having the satisfaction that most if not all things were checked.

    Thanks for the book plug, too. I'm always looking for new ones and appreciate one recommended by someone whose taste I trust.

    Enjoy, ladies!! :)

  7. What a perfect day! Madison says we should have done that while Logan was away at camp. Love it!

  8. Have just bookmarked your site as an Aussie homeschooling resource. It looks great! I'll be back for a proper read later.

  9. I don't think I can remember the last time I was able to read in the middle of the day under a cozy blankie and a warm heat lulling me into a good read, probably about 8 yrs. Aaahhh,Although I think the time will come again Faith is growing so quickly and we are already half way through another year. Blessings

  10. I wonder if the hibernating gene becomes engaged when a love of reading is inspired? I have noticed that as my children have grown and caught the reading bug for themsleves, they are more than happy to hibernate with me.

    My dh has no love of reading or hibernating - so I 'plan' mine when he is busy out and about doing what he loves to do.

  11. I'm with you, when my husband is at a conference I hibernate...and we're sure to have breakfast for supper.

    Max and I are hibernators, husband and Luca are definitely not.

    Happy lolling!

  12. We only just saw this film a few nights ago. Beautiful.

    Six months later...I'm the only one not hibernating on this snowy morning.


I'd love you to leave me a message. Tell me what you like - and what you don't. Just remember that this is what we do in our family - it doesn't have to be what you do in yours...