
29 Jun 2010


"Hundreds and Thousands" and coloured icing. Simply the best combination, don't you think? What children's cupcakes lose in neatness (and hygiene, if the finger licking is any indication of cleanliness), they certainly gain back in creativity. Those triple decker ones are too cool for words!

While the girls baked, I sewed in the ends of my rug. I do not like sewing in ends, but when the weather outside is as cold as yesterday's was, there is a certain snuggly comfort about it.

Sew...oops, sorry... so.

Who can explain why there are now hundreds and thousands right through the house? Why is that so, do you think? Are hundreds and thousands poisonous to dogs?


  1. Those look like my kind of cupcakes! The gooier the better.

  2. Oooooooow. Twins!
    Hundreds and thousands will be consisdered a delcacies by your dog I am sure. It is amazing how the little bits get through everything. Looks like a great time and the girls must be very capable if you were able to sew while they cooked.
    My mum was great like that but we did have the odd disaster!

  3. Now all you need is Ditz! ;P

  4. I think I could eat your blanket. It looks delish!

  5. Lovely cakes, lovely rugs! xxx

  6. Those cakes look all too familiar, Jeanne! I think your blankie looks kinda 100's and 1000's-ish, too.It's lovely! Can't wait to see the cushions you are knitting. Joel xx

  7. The cakes look scrumptious, my daughter loves sprinkles especial on milk.

  8. Cushion coming soon, Joel. Are you going to the GBC?

  9. Hello Jeanne- we had a cake that looked very similar to your cupcakes here yesterday... today Charlie (6) was concerned something was wrongm with him, asking, "Mum, am I ok if my poo is the colour of the sky with bits in it?" mwahahahah!!!! Lovin' the icing!

  10. The colors look lovely, as those two girls making them...

  11. GBC? No, afraid not. Hope it's edifying and a blessing for you and fam, though.


I'd love you to leave me a message. Tell me what you like - and what you don't. Just remember that this is what we do in our family - it doesn't have to be what you do in yours...