
14 Jul 2010


Still - in a way - nobody sees a flower - really - it is so small - we haven’t the time - and to see takes time, like to have a friend takes time.

Georgia O’Keeffe

Flowers on the bedside are a luxury really, aren't they, hidden there just for your own private pleasure. You don't need a big arrangement either, just a few dainty stems of something to put a bit of joy into an otherwise cold and bleak winter's day.

I picked two little bunches of narcissi for our bedsides today.

This one is for Miss Jemimah, a little bunch of early flowers, appearing in late June before winter has even really arrived, and holding on for weeks. I wish I knew its name.

The other is for me - a little arrangement of Erlicheer in a souvenir cup from the Coronation of King George VI back in May 1937. Erlicheer's clusters of creamy petals, up to five flowers on each stem and incredible scent make it a delight for simple arrangements like this.

Delicate, miniature early-flowering narcissi - the harbingers of spring. I love them, don't you? They make me feel happy, and we all need a dose of happiness on a daily basis.

Especially now.

Thank you to all my wonderful friends for your loving prayers and comments over the last few days. Things continue to be pretty sad around here, and I have found myself rereading your lovely comments repeatedly. Thank you so much for caring. I'm sorry if I haven't been visiting your blog. I'll try and get my act together soon.

Did you know, my Mum went to school with a boy named John Quill? He was nicknamed Daffodil.


Parents can sometimes be so cruel.


  1. Always been a big fan of flowers in the house, even at the bedside where only you may see them. Lovely Thinking of you. Blessings Renelle

  2. I think flowers are one of those sweet gifts God gives us. They can express so many thinks or just purely give pleasure.
    Absolutely gorgeous. Sending you some now as I think of you and yours.
    (You must be a little older than I imagined. How did you enjoy the coronation :-)

  3. Such beautiful flowers Jeanne!

    Flowers are always such a special way to lift your spirits and to lift your heart. They truly are a gift to us aren't they.

    I am learning so much from reading your blog and its archives. We attended a Japanese Doll Exhibition today and plan to return to participate in the Japanese Cultural Day on Saturday. So we think of you and I am reading all about the lovely artwork you and Jemimah share. Just beautiful! After holidays we'll continue a study of Japan using A Pair of Red Clogs and no doubt will return to you for inspiration again.

    Glad I found you!

    God bless

  4. They are beautiful flowers, its amazing how God shows us things in our days to make them a little bit brighter and to remind us he cares.

  5. Every time you put up a bedside flower post I am inspired to go gather some beauties for our home. Not sure why I would need the reminder.

    Ruby's comment made me chuckle.


  6. Your flowers and post made me smile! We continue to lift you all up in prayer. God never leaves us or forsakes us...I am so glad about that! xxx

  7. I knew a girl called Teresa Green!

  8. You're right, flowers can bring a sense of cheer when needed.
    Sorry to hear things aren't too happy for you at the moment Jeanne. You're in my thoughts and prayers and I know God will bring you out triumphant.


I'd love you to leave me a message. Tell me what you like - and what you don't. Just remember that this is what we do in our family - it doesn't have to be what you do in yours...