
15 Jul 2010

Lemonade Stand

You may recall the pictures of Jemimah and her entrepreneurial cousins selling lemonade and cordials at my father's birthday celebration on Sunday. You can't blame them really, can you - with an almost revolving door of friends and relations arriving and leaving, there was a great opportunity to make a buck or two.

Somebody should have told them that 5c a cup was too cheap though. That's what I charged when I was a kid, and my lemonade was homemade!

What they really needed was this gorgeously whimsical lemonade tree that Jennifer from Cup of Coco has made for a client's playroom. Wouldn't your kids love a thing like that? I know the cousins would.

1 comment:

  1. A gorgeous lemonade stand. My daughter would love it.

    A wonderful idea Jemimah had, its good to see an opportunity and seize it even at a young age. My daughter sell homemade cookies to our family after we have baked them.


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