
12 Jul 2010

Monster Maddie

How could I not have known that my good friend Susan Stephenson, aka The Book Chook had a children's picture book published earlier this year? How could she have kept this from me? Do I not read her blog thoroughly enough? Does she not care? Does she think I don't?

Anyhow, now that I do know, I am really excited! Are you? You can see the book trailer of Monster Maddie right here, right now. Tadah!! You can read about it here. You can even buy it, if you want to from Amazon. I know I want to. Now that I know it exists.

Yay, my dear Chooky One. I'm so excited for you.


  1. Thanks for the heads up!
    (Check your title?)

  2. Jeanne, I thought you had seen my post earlier this year! I made a resolve not to plague my readers about Monster Maddie, but had to share the video.

    Your delight delights me!

  3. Yes, shame on you for not letting us know sooner!


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