
12 Jul 2010

Rays of sunshine through the clouds

There is a lot of sadness in our Peaceful Home right now. Things are not good. Not good at all. But through the sadness are the good times - times of laughter, of fun, of joy and of hope. Through the sadness flows thankfulness for our faith in God, for family and for friends.

It was my dear Dad's 82nd birthday yesterday. We celebrated with Christmas in July. (Sorry, Ruby, it is not even safe to visit me in July, it seems!) Tears flowed, but so did the champagne. And the Drambuie!

Here is a peek at the nice bits of our yesterday in pictures.

Sigh, I wish I could show you the people pics - they're the best ones...
Happy, Happy Birthday to my Wonderful Dad. We love you.

And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7


  1. May His Peace be yours, Jeanne. ♥♥

  2. Jeanne, I came back here to check on things to see how your dad was going and find myself catching up on three or more posts:)
    My prayers and thoughts are with you all...

  3. Wonderful pictures, Jeanne! I am praying for you daily... thanks for the update.

  4. I love your family's ability to celebrate the important things. Take care, I'll uphold you in prayer tonight. I was the same as Rosemary cam back to see if there were updates and had a bit of catching up to do!!You're right the best photo's have the people in them. Blessings Renelle

  5. What a sweet celebration, I love the gumdrops with the candles...and the way the children participated in preparing them. What a wonderful idea too with Christmas in July, it's actually my kind-a Christmas, at least by the weather.

    This post made me smile and feel tears too. I don't really know you all well, but I feel sad for you, and thankful too for the love you have for each other and for the peace and trust you each have in God. I do pray as you ended your post, that this is what protects you.

  6. Just checked in for a prayer update. So good to see your Dad and family enjoying themselves. We'll continue to pray.

  7. wonderful pictures Jeanne. I will continue to hold you all up in prayer.

  8. Hi Jeanne, a very Happy Birthday to your dear dad from my family. He asked me to say hello to my dad before I left (they chatted quite a bit at church when my parents were visiting) and I most certainly have; my dad returns the hello, and we are all praying for you, looking forward to hugs not long before September...

  9. Thank you for sharing your photos of your Dad's birthday and Christmas in July. My thoughts and prayers have been with you

  10. What a series of precious moments!

    This road you're traveling looks rather familiar to me, Jeanne, so consider my whole heart in never-ceasing prayer for you and your best beloveds. <3

  11. Love the photos--in spite of the sadness. What are the candies?

  12. Chuckle, Melmo, the kids are not assembling the lollies - they're eating them!!

    Hopewell, they're sugar coated jellies stuck on with icing to silver cardboard.

    Cute, eh?

  13. You know I'm praying ♥

  14. What a day! Ah, to be enveloped in so much LOVE! Greatly blessed is your family.

    ...and cordials for just 5c!

    As always, the pictures are beautiful and convey much - though certainly not all. It was sweet to see the wedding photo.

    To the guarding of your hearts and minds in Him.

    But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. -Phil.4:19

  15. Love that you celebrate in the rain....

  16. Gorgeous photos, Jeanne, and a true testament to a beautiful life. I'm raising a glass to you all and lifting prayers as well.

  17. ahhh, of course. not sure why that didn't occur to me first. lol :).


I'd love you to leave me a message. Tell me what you like - and what you don't. Just remember that this is what we do in our family - it doesn't have to be what you do in yours...