
6 Sept 2010

A bit close to home

Our garden this afternoon, just before the Avoca River peaked. Just a bit soggy underfoot...

The Side Garden

The Courtyard

The Children's Garden

The Kitchen Garden

The Front Garden

Our street facing West...

....and facing East.

A little elf taking a peek.


  1. WOW Jeanne!! Amazing photos. Hard to believe how much water there is. My hubby and I have just been poring over your pics. Just incredible. Hoping the water doesn't reach inside your beautiful home. Hoping everyone in your town stays safe. xx

  2. My word, Jeanne, that looks like the flooding in my neighborhood a year ago! I hope the water has stopped rising...

  3. Wow. That is a little close for comfort!

  4. I got the news before I looked at your blog.
    The pictures tell the story. What can I say - oh my - its close.
    We really do live in a country of extremes. Haven't you been on severe water restictions for most of Jemimah's life!!!!!!!!

    We are praying for you; for God's protection,His sustaining strength and His peace.

  5. That looks like a big cleanup to me!
    Hopefully followed by a very fertile garden.
    Praise the Lord the water stopped there :)

  6. Whoa!!!! Yikes. Water, water everywhere.
    You could try growing rice!
    Seriously, been thinking and praying for you all. Your safety, your home etc.

  7. That is very serious water.

    Any estimates on how long it will take to go down?

    What if it rains again?

  8. That is shocking Jeanne. So much water everywhere you turn. So sorry to hear you've been affected by these floods and am praying for the water to decrease rapidly without any damage done.

  9. Far out! The water is much needed, but hope it dosen't cause any damage to your beautiful home! We saw Charlton on the news last night!

  10. Glad it's not inside your home!! Has it started going down yet??

  11. Even with the waters it looks breathtaking.
    I hope you come back to "crazy normal" soon.

  12. We've been in a flood that reached almost 4 feet in our garage (double story at the time - thank goodness). We had to suspend alubles in the garage with chain locks and our barn was on a small hill where we drove all our cars. It was very exciting watching the water rise (not knowing when it would stop)We had notice of it coming so bought heaps of supplies and was locked in for 8 days. No going to school or work !Electricity remained intact, amd when it went down it was very quick but left a muddy mess. Hope you fair well. Great dinner conversation!

  13. Oh my, Renelle! That doesn't bear thinking about!

    Shakes head - four feet!

  14. Our family lived through a huge flood ten years ago, and it was a life-changing event for us. The verse that the Lord spoke so graciously to me through those weeks was, "The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, blessed be the Name of the Lord." May you be able to continually bless Him in all these things.

  15. Hope you are high and dry. It is reminiscent of the Moora floods in '93 over here in WA.

  16. commenting after the fact, knowing that you are all okay, the thing that stood out most about this post is that, my friend, you have a lot of gardens! :)

    I think in the US we might call them all collectively by the name of yard...?

    I'm so sorry about all the mess that you all will have dealt with. yuck. but it does make for some story to tell later on...


    amy in peru


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