
5 Sept 2010

Of droughts and flooding rains

I love a sunburnt country,
A land of sweeping plains,
Of ragged mountain ranges,
Of droughts and flooding rains.

from My Country by Dorothea Mackellar

Could you please pray for us today as we sandbag our peaceful town.

The river is currently at 7.9m, and is expected to peak at 8.3m later this morning. The High Street is already under water.

Our home should be safe for the moment, but the property we supply fully furnished to one of our senior staff members is expected to be flooded soon, as the waters continue to rise. It is currently 10cm below floor level. We will be moving as much as we can from there this morning.

Thank you for caring. It is certainly far from boring here this weekend!


  1. Never a dull day! We'll certainly pray for you.

  2. We have been wondering if the floods were going to hit your area! In our prayers!

  3. Oh dear! We will be praying for you, too. I wish you could send some of that our way - everything here is drying out!

  4. Oh jeanne! jemimah certainly looks like she is enjoying all the excitement but I know how worrying it is for the adults. Holding you in prayer today. ♥

  5. Thoughts and prayers for you all today. Hope everything is safe but especially all the people involved, of course.
    These are great pictures even though it is an emergency situation.
    It has been raining quite heavily up here and some roads are beginning to be closed.

  6. We've been wondering how you were doing and praying for you.

    Love you,

  7. Oh my! We will certainly pray for you!

  8. I pray you are doing well and surviving through this challenge. Amazing images...

  9. Jeanne, I didn't realise the flooding was close to your area, sorry:( will be praying for you all.....

  10. Oh no! My thoughts are with you. It certainly has been a bad week Down Under. :-(

  11. No one could say that your life is boring! Praying that you and your town are safe.

  12. You are quite right - droughts and flooding plains - thinking of you with these floods.

  13. Jeanne! Will be praying for you, hoping all will be well. What an amazing land we live in! Such extremes. Great pictures by the way.

    Mel xx

  14. Have been thinking of you and praying for you. We have loved all the extra water around here, we just haven't had too much...yet!

    Hope all has gone well today.



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