19 Aug 2011

Books are...

...full of old friends - and new ones yet to meet.

What are books to you? Books are...


  1. Books are a glorious escape to another world, even though I love my world. Books are how I find out stuff. Books bring me comfort and delight.

    Blogs are wonderful too. I've just been having a grand catch-up on yours and now my poor brain is teaming with mould and mice and motherless lambs. Oh and thanks so much for the earworm - King Caractacus and me go way back!

  2. Books are the people who talk to me inside my head. ☺

  3. Books are..overflowing my shelves and taking over my house :-)

    Books are...knowledge, comfort, escape and reality.
    And while I have more books than I know what to do with or how to store, I am not a book tragic...no not at all. I have actually ceased buying books and try to trade or use the library a lot more now. I have overcome the need to own every good book I see. Huh, who am I kidding??!!

    Yes, it's me

  4. I have a lot of books and I dread the day when they are no longer around because of kindles. I have a stack beside my bed and just like mummasplace, they are taking over my house. I went to a B&B one time and they had books EVERYWHERE. I loved it.
    When I was in 2nd grade we had to recite a poem in front of the class. I chose

    It's like a magic carpet
    wherever you may look
    when you turn the pages of
    a lovely picture book.

    It carries you to places
    to mountain, sea, and hill
    But when you close the cover,
    You find your sitting still.

    I love books.

    Cindy Bee

  5. I love books and I think Ganeida really summed it up so well- they are my friends:)

  6. Two links for you"



    I would like to have been at the first one--the listserv discussion has been great. No hope of getting to the first one although I think it's "only" in Canada this year--still too far for my work.


I'd love you to leave me a message. Tell me what you like - and what you don't. Just remember that this is what we do in our family - it doesn't have to be what you do in yours...