26 Jun 2012

The Folio Society

Despite its obvious un-Reformed Presbyterian-ness, I am awestruck by the magnificence of The Folio Society's Leaves from a Psalter.

It consists of the seven extant leaves of a 13th- century Psalter created by William de Brailes, restored to their original glory and reprinted on vellum. The quality of the workmanship is exceptional. Have a look at the video to see more of this superlative publication. Sublime.

While publishers like The Folio Society remain, there is still hope for the book. Ebooks on an iPad sort of pale into insigificance after that, don't they.

I belonged to The Folio Society for a few years in my 20s before I ruefully acknowledged that my budget couldn't stretch that far and still provide enough for meals. It is a truism that man cannot live on books alone. I still have many of the volumes from that time on my shelves though, including my most beautiful book, Mistress Masham's Repose by T. H. White. You'll see photos of that here.

Do you ever look at The Folio Society's advertisments in magazines and just dream?

I do.

(Insert covetous sigh.)


  1. We have three Folio Society books of fairy tales, and an Aesop's Fables, that the girls' grandpa bought years ago for our oldest. They're very nice, but I think the girls were always a bit shy of using them.

  2. So beautiful! I've never heard of this Society before, but will look for it. Perfect things to look at listening to lovely early music or chamber music.

  3. Forgot--the link to photos of you does not work.

  4. Link fixed now. Thanks Lisa.

  5. Un-Reformed Presbyterian-ness !!!! Love it!
    I haven't heard of the society before either but it looks like they do beautiful reproductions. Will not persue same as I know they would cost a bomb!


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